Who's Here?

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"Rose! Dimitri!" Viktoria cried as she pushed open the door to our room.
Dimitri groaned and quickly covered our naked bodies with the duvet. "Vik! You need to learn to knock!"
"Gosh! Dimitri! Why are you always taking off her clothes!" Viktoria said as she stepped into our room. "Can't you guys keep your hands off each other for one minute?
"What is it? Is Olena and Dylan back already?" Dimitri asked, wrapping his arm around my waist and resting his hand on my belly.
"They're still out. But...someone is here" Viktoria said.
Victoria hesitated "Its...um...Tasha."
"Tasha as in Tasha Ozera?" I gaped at Viktoria.
She nodded, looking uncomfortable. Clearly, Viktoria was aware of Tasha's love for Dimitri. I turned to Dimitri, his face was dark and his eyes were narrow. "Tell her I don't want to see her."
Viktoria sighed "I'm sorry, but I think you have to talk to her. She's in trouble. She says you're the only one who can help her."
"Lissa and Christian may have forgiven you. But I haven't" Dimitri told Tasha coldly. We were sitting in the living room. Dimitri sat next to me with his arm around my waist, holding me tightly to him.
"Dimka, please!" Tasha said, reaching out to touch Dimitri but he jerked away. "You're the only one I can trust. Please! The strigoi tasted my blood and he won't stop until he kills me. I need a place to hide!"
"No," Dimitri said firmly. "You cannot stay here. I will not let you put my wife and my children at risk".
Tasha looked over at me, her eyes cold as she stared at my stomach. "I see you're expecting another baby."
"Actually it's quadruplets" I said, feeling proud.
Tasha looked away from me and started tearing up "please Dimka. You're my friend. I made a mistake. Everything we went through before, don't they mean something to you?"
Dimitri shook his head, looking pained. I squeezed his hand and he squeezed back a little too hard.
"Dimka. I don't need you to forgive me. And I promise that any romantic feelings I have towards you are gone. I am here as a friend in need" she said. Then she said something that I knew Dimitri couldn't resist "it's the right thing to do".
His eyes snapped to hers. "Fine. But if you do anything to Rose, that strigoi will be the last thing to worry about. I will kill you myself. And if the Strigoi comes, you must lead him away from our house. I will help kill him, but Rose cannot be involved".
"Hey! I can help!" I protested.
"I don't think so Roza" he said, looking down at my belly.
I groaned "I hate doing nothing!"
He smiled and kissed me on the forehead. "Just stay still for once okay? For our babies?"
I nodded "fine, I guess."
Just then, the front door opened and Olena came in with Dylan. He bounded over to me and Dimitri and threw himself at us. "Daddy! Mommy!" Dimitri chuckled and caught Dylan in his arms.
"Welcome home buddy. Did you have a good time with grandma?"
Dylan nodded, turning to me and playing with a piece of my hair. "Who's that lady?" He asked us.
"She's just-" Dimitri started to say, but Tasha cut him off.
"I'm Tasha Ozera, a good friend of your dad." She smiled at Dylan.
"Oh." Dylan said "daddy never told me anything about you."
Tasha looked a little unhappy and didn't reply to Dylan. Instead, she turned to me "Rose? Can we talk in private?"
"No." Dimitri immediately growled. "Don't come near my wife."
"I just want to apologize." Tasha said " I promise".
Dimitri started to protest, but I put a hand on his arm "I'll talk to her, it's alright."

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