Chapter 10 | ...

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-Your POV-


Why is he here?! I was screaming in my head. Claude was carrying me in bridle style! But why was he? I look around and we were high in the air.


He looked at me when I said demon. Fuck... He landed on the ground, but middle in the woods. "Now that we have time..." His low voice was ringing in my ears. Shit, shit, shit.... He's gonna kill me TT^TT

He pinned me to a tree, my hands over my head. So I panicked and kicked him between his legs and started to run as fast as I could.

The bushes and some things ripped my clothes, my dress was revealing part of my body that it shouldn't. "WHY DOES THIS FOREST HATE ME?!" I yelled annoyed.

My head started to spin, I had used too much of my energy. And being sick made it worse. Claude appeared in front of me, and before I fainted I flicked him off.


When I woke up, I saw familiar room. Alois's room.

I sit up on the bed. "Oh you're awake! Great!" Alois shouted. He was sitting on a chair, but jumped up and ran to me. He looked like a child on their birthday, getting his presents. "Why am I here? You wanna rape me? Or just to fuck with Ciel... orrr...." I said with sleepy voice.

"Hahahaahahaa! No silly! I want you, and nothing else." He said seductively. "Wait.. so you wanna fuck?" I asked confused. "Bitch have you seen this face? I look like shit! And I'm flat as a pancake! Hannah is prettier than me!" I said surprised.

"That bloody useless maid! Hahahaa! No, you are much more prettier than her." I hadn't notice how Alois had come closer and closer. And now had like one inch between our faces. I try to gently push him off, but he didn't budge. "A-alois... Too close..." I whisper. He pushed me against the bed.

"!!! o////o !!!"

He smashed his lips against mine. The kiss was full of lust, but I could tell that there was also love in it...

He tired to get his tongue in, but I didn't let him. So he pulled my hips to his I could feel his hardened member. I gasp and he got his tongue in my mouth. He didn't leave any place of my mouth unexplored. My tongue started to slowly dance with his. He placed his left hand on my right cheek, to deepen the kiss more.

Than it hit me. I pulled away. "A-alois!! I-I can't!"

I get out of the bed somehow and ran out of the room. I ran through the manor, until I found myself outside at the garden. I fell to my knees. "What am I doing?" I asked myself.

Without noticing I started to cry, I was just too confused. I didn't know what to do anymore. It was so much easier being at home, laying on my bed. And just watch black butler and reading fanfics, than being really in it. Even though I have had fun, but this is just fucked up...

Also being still sick did not make me feel any better.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I look who it was, it was Hannah, giving me a sad smile. She sat next to me, I hugged her and just cried and cried. I couldn't stop myself. She gently pat my head.

"Would you care to tell me, your worries?" She asked gently. "Y-yeah..."


I told her literally everything, it was her first hard to believe me, but in the end she actually believed me. It felt good to tell somebody what was happening in my life. But it was sad that she didn't know how to help me get back home.

I had gotten hungry so we went back inside, she made me some food. (A/n: I don't care you choose)

I hadn't noticed Alois stalking me with Claude, while I was eating. I was too busy talking with Hannah. She was so kind to me.

-Hannah's POV-

I think I had fallen for masters quest....

-Ciel's POV-

"SEBASTIAN?! Where is she?!" I was going mad, (Y/n) had been kidnapped. And I didn't even know by who!

"Young lord. I think I have found the suspect. Alois Trancy is his name." Sebastian told me calmly. "Alois... She mentioned that name once..." "Sebastian, we are leaving instantly! Prepare the carriage!"

I'm coming (Y/n)...


A/n: Well that's it for this one! Hope you enjoyed it!

Well anyways...


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