Percy Jackson

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Harry PoV

There was a hole in the ceiling and a stranger was in the Hogwarts infirmary. There was a stranger in Hogwarts, a potential Death Eater, and he was alone with Madam Pomfrey and a staff member. A potential Death Eater was alone with two Hogwarts staff being healed. They were healing him! There were two sides to a coin, though, and he might not be a Death Eater, therefore not healing him would be cruel. However, no sense of optimism could change the fact that there was a stranger in Hogwarts. And as my racing thoughts welled a peak of overwhelming anxiety, the double doors slammed open.

The stranger walked through the doors, a confidence within him that had me clenching my fists in apprehension. Now that his eyes were open, I could see their color. They were a strange green and looked as if the sea itself resided in them. The closer he got, the more the knot in my stomach tightened, and when he passed by me without so much of a glance, I felt myself release a breath I hadn't know I'd been holding. For a moment, he stopped, looked around, and I tensed like a tightrope.

His eyes flew around the room stopping at the staff table. He strode towards it, ignoring the stares. The professors' stares, the students' stares, my stare. Who was he? His wrist lacked the telltale Death Eater tattoo, so he wasn't a Death Eater. At least, not officially. Maybe this was a test and if he completed it, he would officially become a Death Eater. He stopped in front of the table, glancing around at everyone seated there. It seemed as if he was analyzing them and that made my heart beat against my chest. He stared at them for a moment before looking straight at Dumbledore.

"You seem to be the leader here seeing as you're sitting on the fanciest chair. Can you tell me where I am and how I can leave? Preferably how to get to New York." Dumbledore's brows furrowed.

"Young man you are not in America, you are in Europe." The boy's eyebrows flew up.

"I'm where now?" He spluttered, disbelief clear on his face. He didn't know where he was. How doesn't he know where he is? "Do you know how I got here?" he asked bewildered.

"No, but you did crash through the ceiling." Dumbledore's eyes gained their familiar twinkle. "Unconscious." The boy rolled his eyes.

"Well, do you know how I can get back to America?"

"Why don't you just apparate?" Dumbledore looked at him confused. The boy looked baffled.


"You do know how to apparate, yes? After all you are a wizard of age." The boy's eyes widened and for a moment he just stood there in stunned silence. His mouth opened and closed until he finally choked out a,

"A- a what?" I sucked in a breath, not having expected that. A muggle had broken through Hogwarts barriers, something that was deemed near impenetrable. The boy stumbled backwards and looked to see all of our faces, tensing as he realized just how vulnerable he was. "Where am I?" He was facing Dumbledore again, fists clenched at his sides. Dumbledore stared at him gravely, leaning forwards in his seat, fingers interlacing.

"Young man, you are in Hogwarts, school of Witchcraft and Wizardry." The boy unclenched his fist, flexed his fingers, and then clenched them once more.

"I'm in a school for wizards and witches?" He nodded his head once, chuckling humorlessly. "Can I just leave? Go back to America and-" I jumped in my seat out of surprise as lightning struck. The ceiling was still slowly mending itself. A orange piece of paper floated down to the boy and he grabbed it. Reading it he passed it over to Dumbledore. Surprised, Professor grabbed it. He muttered a spell his eyes flitting over the words. Dumbledore's eyes widened the smallest fraction and he gazed at the boy curiously.

"Aah, my apologies sir." He said to the boy, who looked taken aback by the title. The boy shifted uncomfortably.

"What is your name, young man?" Professor McGonagal asked. The boy opened his mouth but Dumbledore interrupted.

"Perseus Jackson." Realization flooded the faces of the teachers and staff while Perseus looked annoyed.

"Nobody asked you Albus-" I gasped "- and she didn't ask for my full name." He turned to Professor McGonagal. "It's Percy. Percy Jackson." Professor McGonagal nodded and brought out the sorting hat. Placing it over his head, the brim of the hat just barely covered his eyes. Merely seconds later, the rip of the hat that was its mouth opened and shouted out,

"Gryffindor!" Dumbledore looked stunned for half a second and then smiled. He stood up and walked to the podium.

"Let us welcome Perseus Jackson, the newest addition to Hogwarts and to Gryffindor!" Cheers erupted, surprising me. They seemed no longer skeptical of Perseus. Only Ron, Hermione, and I seemed to still be suspicious. What was in that note and why did the professors and staff recognize his name? Who are you, Perseus Jackson?

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