The Battle of Hogwarts Hill

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Harry PoV

The explosion knocked me off my feet and the gust of heat blew me backwards. From the flames towered an enormous being over fifty feet tall, adorned in blue and gold, and holding an unimaginably long scepter. The being turned his strangely handsome face to the left and I followed his gaze over to the Black Lake. Percy and Malfoy. Smiling, the being reached out a hand and beckoned them. I couldn't see their faces, but they started running towards the battle. What were they doing at the lake in the first place? A yellow light zoomed passed and I flicked my wand instinctively behind me,

"Stupefy!" I turned just in time to see Rodolphus fall to the ground, unconscious. Joining a gaggle of Hufflepluffs, I shot spell after spell at the group of Death Eaters, watching as they fell one by one. And as I moved from foe to foe, it sunk in: the war has officially begun. Lights flew around me and screams and shouts echoed like a show put on for the stars. Bodies fell and tempers rose, a malevolent anger on one side, fearful determination on the other. Who knew good versus evil could bring about so much devastation. My body whirled and my wand waved like it had a mind of its own, spell after spell after spell, but the Death Eaters just kept coming.

There was an insufferable heat in the air and smoke filled the sky from various explosions.

"STOP!" I swiveled around and there was Percy racing towards the enormous being. A handful of teachers were shooting spells at the being and I watched in horror as the spells did absolutely nothing. Every. Single. One of them. Percy slid into the circle of teachers who tried to block his path, keep him out of danger— because whoever this being is must be terrifyingly powerful. Bringing out the pen that he twirled constantly, he uncapped it and it elongated and transformed into a three-foot long bronze blade. "Leave him to me!" And I don't know what it was exactly or where it came from, but it made the teachers back off. It was something in Percy's voice, his tone, his expression— as if he was born to be listened to, to be followed. "Atlas! You—" the rest was lost to the sounds of battle and I slipped back into my rhythm. Suddenly, an arm reached around my neck and pulled backwards, choking me. The arm drew tight and another reached around to restrict my wand arm. I choked out a gasp, my eyes watering as my free hand clawed at the arm around my neck.

"The Dark Lord is going to have a lot of fun with you." I wheezed out a response, my nails digging into their flesh.

"STUPEFY!" The body behind me crumpled to the ground and I fell to my knees, heaving as I tried to catch my breath, my hand flying up to my abused throat. Wiping at my teary eyes, I looked up to see Draco Malfoy holding up a hand. Taking it, he hoisted me up and I rubbed at my throat.

"Thank you." He nodded stiffly before heading off.

Draco PoV

War, it wasn't something I ever wanted, but it was clear that this battle would be the first of a fast approaching war. I thought I'd have more time, thought with Percy's help we'd have time to plan my escape. But it was now or never and regardless of whether we won of lost this battle, I would still be dragged back to the dark side. It didn't matter that I fought for the good side, I couldn't escape with them. I was trapped in evil's grasp and I needed to do as much as I could for the good side before I was forced back. So I took down Death Eater after Death Eater and fought with Hogwartsian after Hogwartsian, taking down our common enemy.

I didn't watch as Harry fought against Voldemort, didn't want to know if Harry lost because I was too afraid of the answer.

My heart raced and my hands shook, palms sweating with nerves and the heat of battle, but spells still flew from my lips like an anthem only I knew the words to. And they fell, they fell, follower after follower fell. But ally after ally fell with them, and it seemed for every one I took down, they took down two times that and a panic set in and I nearly choked, but I couldn't because I needed to keep fighting. I had to keep fighting. And despite my fears, I looked around for Potter and Voldemort and a sigh of relief left me when I saw Potter but no Voldemort. A small victory.

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