Trust Me

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Percy PoV

Harry was so far away and a sea of students, teachers, and Death Eaters separated us and I wanted to tell him. To tell him that it's okay because it was an accident. That I wasn't angry with him, that he was forgiven. But I need to get to Annabeth and Jason, so instead of crossing the space between us, I smiled at Harry, turned, and ran after Draco. ran after Draco because he knew where Annabeth and Jason were, had seen them. I couldn't count how many times I dodged, skidded, teetered, cast a spell, and by the time we burst outside into the open air, my left knee was scraped and the hem of my shirt was singed.

"Draco?" I stumbled after him as we headed for the forbidden forest. "Draco!" He spun around, eyebrows furrowed, eyes flickering around.

"Yes?" I tugged at his arm, focusing his attention on me. I kept my voice carefully blank,

"Do you even know where you're going?" He flinched as if surprised and he tugged his arm away.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I cursed in Greek.

"Draco, what do you think I'm talking about? Why did you do it?" He looked away from me, shaking his head.

"You know I had no choice, Percy, I don't get why you're so upset." Draco's voice was a low mumble as he turned away, but I grabbed his arm again.

"You know why, Draco. I told you, I told you to come get me, to wait for me so that you wouldn't have to, or at least not alone. Instead, you chose the one—"

"You were dying, Percy!" His eyes were ablaze with an anger I had never seen directed at me. It made my brows furrow and my jaw clench, fingers curling into fists. I had to take it. "The only thing I wanted to do was be at your bedside, be there when you woke up, if you woke up, but I had to do the opposite. Because the only person who could have stopped me from going to the Vanishing Cabinet and letting the Death Eaters in was dying in a hospital bed because of me." I shook my head.

"Draco, that wasn't your fault, it was just circumstance. It just as easily could've have been another sixth year Slytherin, like Zabini or Crabbe." My fingernails were biting half moons into my palm and it hurt, but I didn't care. Why should I care? Draco nodded and sighed, eyes drifting downwards before zeroing in on my hands.

"Percy, your hand is bleeding, uncurl your fingers," and I did. I uncurled them and watched as the blood ran down my fingers and dripped onto the grass. It was only a few drops, but a few drops off blood could do a lot. And for some reason, it made me think of,

"Ash." The word came from my lips but I didn't remember saying them. Draco looked at imploringly, almost scrutinizing me. It made me uncomfortable. "I'm fine, it's just a little injury, can we just go now?" I huffed out the last part, cursing again when he frowned. What is up with me? Why can't I act natural?

"Percy... what is going on with you? Why are you so short with me, what's going on?" I shook my head, sighed, and smiled.

"Nothing, sorry, I'm just really anxious. Who knows what Voldemortks been doing to Jason and Annabeth." He nodded and relief coursed through me. It was a lie, of course. I was anxious about Jason and Annabeth, but that wasn't why I was acting this way. Why I couldn't seem to reign in my frustration, why there was fear coiling in my stomach, twisting it into so many knots I wanted to hurl. Becuase, have you ever been to the Department of Mysteries, Draco. Did you ever go there... and find out that—

"This way, Percy, there's a secret entrance through here that will take us to Hogsmaed, then I can Apparate us where we need to go." I nodded, but I was still thinking, my stomach was still coiling, and I still wanted to hurl. I didn't pay attention to where we were going because it didn't matter. I just kept my gaze pinned on Draco's robes and tailed after him, silently, somberly. I didn't see where we were when we went into the entrance, but when we ended up in the Hogs Head, I started paying attention because when Draco apparates us to our destination, I'm going to need to be focused. Slipping out of the dingy pub, we slinked through the cobblestone streets until we reached an area without streetlights. Draco grabbed hold of my arm and next thing I knew we were tilting, having our insides rearranged, and appearing in a dark hallway with black walls and a single chandelier. And right in front of us was a door with a silver symbol on it, a snake wrapped around a V. Draco tried the door, but it was locked. He took out his wand and I took out mine, because if we had to fight any Death Eaters, Riptide wouldn't work.

"Alohomora," Draco whispered the spell silently and we heard a lock click. Reaching out, I pushed on the door and slipped open smoothly, no creaky hinges. Creeping silently through the dark passageway, we stopped every few second to see if we heard anything, if anyone was nearby. Suddenly stopping, Draco held out a hand. Turning to me, he motioned with his head. There were people around the corner. He held up three fingers. Three people. With a nod we surged forward, catching the attention of one of the Death Eaters. They whipped out their wands.

"You're not supposed to be here, Baby Malfoy." Draco fired the first spell and they quickly realized he was an enemy now. The fight ensued.


Annabeth PoV

It had been quiet for a while, almost no footsteps, as if a lot of the people had left. But now there was a commotion and it was loud and it made my heart race. It sounded like a struggle and a lot of words were being shouted, words I couldn't make out, voices I couldn't make out. There were crashes and bangs and thuds, and I didn't know what was going to happen to us. Jason's pulse was steady under my fingers, but I shook him awake anyways. If whoever up there was coming down here, he needed to be awake. He was more vulnerable asleep, easier to hurt. Not that he could do anything in his state of being. The noise stopped except for the sound of rushing footfalls above. Then, there were feet on stairs and they seemed to be getting closer, they're coming down here. A door banged open and air could hear hushed whispers.

"Annabeth, what's happening?" Jason whispered next to me. I grimaced, chewing on my lip.

"I don't know, but it doesn't sound good." I clasped his hand in mine, partially for him, mostly for me. The footsteps got louder and another pair joined them.

"Take care of him, I'll go on ahead!" The voice was close now and a body rounded the corner. It was the blond boy from nearly four months ago. I sat up at the sight of him. "My name is Draco Malfoy and you're going to have to trust me." I nodded hesitantly, but I would comply to almost whatever he says, because he came back. "Close your—" A bang sounded behind him and he peeked back around the corner, sighing in relief. "Come help me, they're muggles, they can't see me do you know what." The person he was talking to rushed forwards before rounding the corner to join Draco. Their back was to me but I could tell it was a male. They back up against the cell and spread their arms. Draco walked forwards until I couldn't see most of him, his body hidden by the new male. "Stand back," he instructed, but we were already as far as we could go. Then he whispered something I could barely hear, something that sounded like, "Expulso."

The wrought iron cell bars blew backward as if thrown by an explosive force, smacking against the far wall. Then, the unknown male turned around and my breath caught, tears welling in my eyes. Jason croaked next to me, struggling to push himself up.



Sorry, I know I promised this HOURS ago. I really am sorry. One minute it was eleven something pm and I was writing in my bed, and the next minute, I was waking up at 6 something in the morning to go use the restroom.

What do you think Percy knows? What to do you think Dumbledore showed him in the Department of Mysteries?

This is it guys, the next time I update, I'm posting the last three chapters of the book. So the next time you get a notification that I've updated, the book will be over.

I'm kinda getting emotional. ANYWAYS, everything is going down next time, so get ready because what I've been warning you about is coming.

Bye! Gotta get to writing the last three chapters!

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