"The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend"

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Unknown PoV

How pathetic, the little demigod has made friends with Lucius' son. Poor son of Poseidon, little does he know and so much he won't learn. I suppose I can't complain, in befriending the blond brat, he's bringing himself right to me. Whatever that petty goddess is planning won't work, especially since I have allies of my own.

"Are we at an agreement?" The annoying nasally voice rang out, but I had to deal with it.

"Hmm? Sorry, I wasn't listening, you're quite boring I'm sure you've been informed." I watched amused as he swelled in anger. In all honesty, he was just a piece in my grand plan of revenge. Once he'd exhausted his usefulness, I would dispose of him. I'm sure he thinks the same, but he's even more of a idiot than I thought if he honestly thinks he's more powerful than me.

"You insufferable peasant, I will~" I sat up in my chair abruptly, his mouth snapping shut at the sudden movement.

"Truly, I am only amusing you, there are other ways for me to achieve my goal. You on the other hand, would greatly benefit from my help and would be a fool to take advantage of it. Insult me again, not only do you not get your little nuisance, but I will crush you like the little insignificant bug you are." His eyes narrowed in hatred but he didn't retort, I smiled in satisfaction at the fear he was trying to hide.

"Good bug, now, tell master what you said earlier." His nostrils flared.

"I said, when our plan is set in motion a few months from now, my little spy will bring me Jackson, and you will bring me the "nuisance," as you put it." I snorted in disbelief.

"That's your plan?" He bristled at my words. Words could not explain how much amusement it brought me at his petty anger. "Why not just each get what we respectively want?"

"Because he would have gained Jackson's trust by then and you wouldn't be recognized. But, if you go after Jackson, no matter how you disguise yourself, he will still know." For his simple way of thinking it made sense, but I knew there was nothing Jackson could do to evade or escape me. However, I relented, it would be easier without a struggle. Besides, I want to see the sting of betrayal on the son of Poseidon's face when he realizes his dear friend Draco led him into a trap.

"Very well, bug, we'll go through with your plan." Though I won't be surprised if it fails, he's even more pathetic than the son of Poseidon. Immortal, in his wildest little bug dreams. Now, to deal with my guests downstairs, I laughed to myself.


No, this isn't Voldemort's point of view, I would have just outright said 'Voldemort PoV' if it was.

I know it's short, but I didn't want to reveal much and I also didn't know what to write that wouldn't give away who it was and what they've done / been doing.

Vote, comment, ponder on who it could be.

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