Emerson Earthfire

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Hogwarts PoV

It had been a long time since Hogwarts had heard that name. The name that stirred up conflicting memories, both happy and painful. It carried like a whisper of the past, calling Hogwarts to a time all had forgotten, all but Hogwarts. Dance, music, laughter; death, malice, love. Tragic love, for nothing in that time ended as it should have, and Hogwarts held that name true in its heart. Emerson Earthfire.


A sole wanderer wandered through the stone halls, magic coursing wildly through their veins, nearly impossible to control. The person ran their hand across the smooth stone as they traveled, marveling at their creation. To the other four, it was to be a place of knowledge, and only that. To him, it would be more, much more. A place to find refuge and community. A place of safety and companionship, and of course knowledge— but to share in that knowledge and use it to flourish and grow healthily. The knowledge wasn't to be abused and poisoned by the vines of evil, but he knew a time would come when it would happen.

They had been lucky enough to be blessed with the gift of magic, but as the community would undoubtedly grow, so would evil. No race was immune to evil whether it be human, or—in the future— witches and wizards. All this magic that thrummed through him, consuming his essence day by day, destroying it, it could help. He would make it help. He was chosen for a reason and would not succumb to the foolishness of the others. Rowena, Salazar, Godric, Helga, they didn't understand the full extent of their gift, how much good it could cause, how much bad. But he was working on it, already preparing for the worst of the future, and first he started with 'The Place.' He had yet to give it a name.

He wanted those who would walk these walls after to him to have everything they needed, wanted, as long as it was within reason. So he stopped where he was and stood across from the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy. Placing his palms flat against the cold stone wall, he felt the flow of magic within him pulse in his fingertips, traveling into the wall. His head bowed in concentration, a bead of sweat forming on his forehead. The tips of his fingers were getting hotter and hotter, the magic coursing through them magnificent and powerful. The stone beneath his palms warmed, wavering with the rippling power. Finally, it began to alter before it melted before him, his figure tumbling before straightening.

It was as if in the wall, except though it existed, it did not. It was there only when it was, always when it wasn't, and never at all. It would be a guide when lost, somewhere to hide when in need, a place to gather. He observed his creation within his creation, noting it was without flaw. When the time came, it would serve a great purpose. He stepped out and let it seal. There, on the seventh floor, across from the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy, he had created a room. A room of requirement.

He resumed walking, concentrating his magic into each step he took so that it would flow into the stone floor. Before he could give his creation a name, he needed to do one more thing; give it life. His feet felt heavy as the magic seeped into the floor, circulating in the massive structure he was in. He could feel his magic spreading, filling every nook and cranny. He spread out his arms- eagle spread- as he was walking and flexed his fingers. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. As he exhaled, his creation came to life, it's essence filled with a spirit of living. His creation was living, breathing, and had a mind of it's own. Now it needed a name.

It would be called... Hogwarts.


That was the first time Hogwarts ever met its creator. It was the moment it came to life. It could feel the magic swirling in its walls, knowing that it was from this man.


Everything was ready, now all they had to do was set the plan into motion. The power was too great for it's vessel, and one day would corrupt said vessels heart and mind. It is with that logic—that no one could have such power and not be corrupted— that they convinced themselves they were right in their actions. All but one- dear old Helga Hufflepuff. She will forever remember that night, it trapped in her mind like a tumor that couldn't be removed.

The day dragged on and they plotted and schemed, trying to figure out a way to execute their plan. To rid the world if this staggering power, something they themselves feared. The time came and they were ready, all gathered in the room it would take place.

"You needed me?" A man walked into thee room, glancing around at the others gathered. They knew not, but he knew what they were to attempt. He would not stop them for there was no point—he'd rather them wrong him than the future generations to come.

"Yes, Emerson, thank you for joining us. Please, come sit." Salazar gestured to the seat positioned in the middle of the room. Seating himself, Emerson pretended not to notice the circle of magic that would bind him to the circle, preventing him from leaving it. There was only one magic more powerful than the one he possessed, Natural Magic—a form of his magic that could only be procured with a strong enough vessel, which he was not. But, with this circle, the other four working together would be just enough magic to produce a little Natural Magic—more than enough to do what they wanted done.

"You've been working so hard, your body and mind alike must be incredibly tired. So, we all decided to come together to give you a gift." They all lifted their hands and started chanting, their voices echoing eerily in the stone chamber.

"Umset poinam ist umset heruus sein orgah sacor, beseir umeest anahn kalohnis oso umset venen ist daow. U loai gedenih, u poinam renekih. Pi vene or yad, tekuv weib sedirih." Their voices echoed in unison, power crackling in the air. The spell was powerful and needed absolute concentration to execute the incantation.

"Umset poinam ist umset heruus sein orgah sacor, beseir umeest anahn kalohnis oso umset venen ist daow. U loai gedenih, u poinam renekih. Pi vene or yad, tekuv weib sedirih." (The power of the eternal that lies within, drawn out in sacrifice for the lives of man. A soul destroyed, a power vanquished, to live in peace, innocence not punished). Emerson's head snapped back, his eyes glowing a white light, his mouth snapping open to emit the same light. His hands gripped tightly to the arms of the chair, and strange markings appeared on the floor of the circle, bearing the same light.

"Umset poinam ist umset heruus sein orgah sacor, beseir umeest anahn kalohnis oso umset venen ist daow. U loai gedenih, u poinam renekih. Pi vene or yad, tekuv weib sedirih." His screams rung out in the stone room and his body was engulfed in the light. It burned brighter, and brighter until it was blinding and filled the room. Suddenly, it extinguished and a powerful gust of wind blew the other four wizards away, and the salt of the circle dispersed. When they gained their bearings, they stood and observed the figure in the middle of the room. It was lying on the floor and unmoving, their eyes open and unseeing. Emerson was dead.

Later a burial would take place and two women would weep from the depths of their soul; a widowed Elena Lore Earthfire, and Helga Hufflepuff. Elena would raise their child on her own and write letters to her dead husband, fighting through the pain every day because their child looked just like him. Helga would carry the guilt of her actions for the rest of her life, anonymously helping Elena and her child as a way to amend for her deed. But Elena's letters never reached the grave of her dead husband, for none but four knew where he was buried. But he would forever be with his creation for his body lay beneath it's stone floors.


In a way, they did give him a gift, Hogwarts mused sorrowfully. The gift of rest... eternal rest.


So... what do guys think? Please comment your thoughts.

I was so excited to finish this chapter and I feel pretty good about it. I would have updated earlier, but I was stuck on how he would die.


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