Detention and Curiosity

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Dinner was over and I needed to head to detention. Except there was one problem, I didn't know where detention was. After asking Harry where it was he said it would probably be in Snape's office. So I set off to his office and it was only half-way that I realize I had no idea where it was. I paused, stopping to stare at a painting. I'd heard them talk before and was hoping they could tell me the way to Snape's office. I walked towards one, reaching out slowly before knocking on the stone next to it. The man in the painting slowly opened his eyes to stare at me.

"Yes..." I sputtered, looking around, making sure he was indeed talking to me even though that was my intention. "Well, spit it out young man, I don't have eternity." I cleared my throat.

"Yeah, sorry. Could you direct me to Severus Snape's classroom?" The man in the painting rolled his eyes.

"Of course I can, the question is why don't you know the way?" He narrowed his eyes at me, continuing before I could respond. "Never mind, I don't care anymore. Hurry along and try to keep up." With that the man walked to the edge of the painting and disappeared. I shook my head bewildered, reaching out to touch the painting. Then I heard a call further down the corridor.

"Over here! I did say keep up didn't I?" I hurried down to where the man was in another painting, only for him to disappear again. This time I was ready and quickly scanned all the paintings I could see. It continued on like this for quite sometime until it felt like I had been running in circles for hours.

"Aha, here we are, I believe we have arrived at your destination. Now if you'll excuse me, I must make the long journey back. Farewell, and I bid thee good luck." With that the man disappeared once again. I stopped to catch my breath and look around. It looks like I was in the dungeons, the same place I had Snape's class, in fact I could see the classroom door a couple yards down. I took a deep, fortifying breath, and knocked on the door. A come in was heard and opened the door to be met with a dimly lit room.

"Mr. Jackson, I see you've made it in one piece. You're not even late, I'm impressed. Considering of course that today was the only one of my classes you have attended since arriving. Care to explain your absence." It wasn't really a question. He knew it, I knew it, and he knew I knew it.

"As you are aware, Professor, I was only recently introduced to the Wizarding World. Albus had been taking me to gather all the supplies and materials necessary for my stay here." Snape raised an eyebrow.

"Is that so? Then how come I haven't received word of this? Not to mention surely robes would have been one of the first things you got, considering they're the easiest to get." Snape smirked as if he had caught me. Too bad for him though, there was nothing to catch.

"Albus decided not to get them for me after I stubbornly refused. If you think I'm lying why don't you ask the headmaster yourself." He scowled, leaning forward in his seat. 

"Very well, I will. One more question, Mr. Jackson. Why did you defend me against Weasley and Granger. They're your friends are they not?" I was taken aback by the question. I didn't think he would so boldly ask me something like that. 

"I did it because they were being judgmental. I'm not saying I've never been judgmental before, believe me I have, but it was unfair the things they were saying and I wanted to make it clear that I did not agree with them. It wasn't because it was you, professor, it was simply circumstantial that you happened to be the person in question." He nodded his head as if this was acceptable.

"You didn't answer my last question, Mr. Jackson." I shrugged, narrowing my eyes.

"It's not relevant nor something I want to talk about." I could see he still had questions, could see the curiosity burning in his eyes.

"Well, as I said before, Mr. Jackson, I can fight my own battles. Now, on to your punishment. Due to your arrogance, I have decided that you will spend a week in the Slytherin dormitories. Wearing tattered clothing." I scrunched my eyebrows up. Was that even allowed? A student from another house sleeping in another house? Also he couldn't force me to wear something I don't want to, not even Albus could.

"As I am sure you know, Professor, house switching isn't allowed. I may be new, but Albus hasn't exempted me from the rules." He sneered.

"It's good to know that the Gryffindors have someone semi-intelligent to represent the male counterpart. That was a test, Mr. Jackson, probably one of the only ones you'll ever pass." He drawled annoyingly. I gritted my teeth. I had never met a teacher that was so... biased. "Anyways, your real punishment is to pick up after the students for 1 week. Failure to have picked up everything by the end of the day will result in 1 added day and 10 points from your house. Also, no magic. If you succeed in picking up everything by the end of the day, you get 1 day removed. Am I clear?" I nodded tightly.


"Good, you start tomorrow. You're dismissed." I swiftly got out of my chair calmly walking out of his room. Once the door was closed and he could no longer see me, I stopped and took a deep breath, thinking about what just happened. Snape doesn't like me. Probably because I remind him of Harry, and he doesn't like Harry.  I started walking. His goal is for me to be humiliated, and he's curious, too curious. I'm going to have to watch out for him or else this mission could be in serious jeopardy.

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