The Third Trimester

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The 8th month was insane for Jade.

Dean had taken time off to be with her until the beginning of the ninth month, then he'd go back to work until 2 weeks before the baby would be born

Dean had been driving Jade insane, he'd been buying so much clothes and toys and kept testing different names on Jade

"How bout Saraya Rose?" Dean asked

Jade cringed and shook her head

"Amber Skye?"

Jade shook her head

"Regina Cher?" Dean asked again

Jade shook her head, again

"Michelle Chloe?"

"No Dean," she said then she began thinking

"We should name her DJ," she told him

"Like Dean and Jade?" Dean asked, Jade nodded happily

"Yeah right, DJ," she said happily

"That's perfect but what's gonna be her full official name?" He asked

Jade began thinking as Dean smiled and spoke the perfect name for their baby girl 

Jade would always smile because when she'd sing or Dean would talk, the baby would kick

Jade was so incredibly happy and ready to have her baby girl in her arms and she knew Dean would be an amazing father

She couldn't wait! She packed her bag and made sure everything was ready for when Dean and her would bring their baby home.

Dean was more than ready, he brought car seats, WWE onsies, clothes, toys, baby food and a milk suction so Jade wouldn't have to get up all hours to breast feed. Wasn't he awesome?!

During the ninth month, Jade was experiencing a lot of cold sweats but she didn't care, the doctor said that meant the baby was going to be here soon

"And your uncles, Roman and Seth are gonna spoil you so much, so are your aunts Nicole and Nattie and don't forget your grandma and grandpa, their gonna love you so much, oh and your daddy, Dean is the sweetest person in the world and he's gonna treat you like a little princess, I can't wait to see you DJ," Jade said, smiling as she kicked gently

The next day, Jade woke up with a blood curdling pain in her stomach

"Dean," she called, he stirred but stayed asleep

"Dean wake up!" She shouted doing her lamaze, his eyes remained closed

Jade started sweating, she was in so much pain, she growled and kicked Dean straight off the bed

"What the-" Dean began until Jade grunted in pain and his eyes widened as he saw her standing, he knew from all the books that she was in labour and quickly ran around getting her hospital bag and changing her into a loose maternity dress and some flip flops and he got dressed and he helped her down the stairs, coaching her with her breathing

He buckled her in and made sure the car seat was there before he drove quickly and carefully to the hospital

She was in her hospital bed as they hooked her up and got her prepped for labour. Nikki and Dean were with her. She wanted her mom and dad with her, but they couldn't make it

The doctors told her that there were two people outside and then Dean told her he had a surprise for her and in walked her mom and dad

They both wished her luck and her dad and Dean stood at her side when she officially went into labour, but she only took Dean's hand

After 36 hours of excruciating labour, she was 10 centimeters and was finally ready to push

"C'mon baby, you can do this," Dean coached keeping a hard face as Jade crushed his hand in hers

"Almost there," he said smiling as the nurse said he was almost out

Jade made a final push and fell back as crying filled the room, Dean smiled as he kissed her sweaty forehead and the nurse cut the umbilical cord

"Congratulations, she's healthy at 7 pounds, 8 ounces," the nurses told them, smiling

Dean looked down at Jade as they handed her the baby

Dean smiled with watery eyes at the little princess and took a picture

@DeanAmbrose Welcome my daughter, Danielle Jo Ambrose beautiful isn't she? @JadeWWE 💖😍😘

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@DeanAmbrose Welcome my daughter, Danielle Jo Ambrose beautiful isn't she? @JadeWWE 💖😍😘

"What's her name?" The nurse asked

"Danielle Jordyn Ambrose," he replied, telling her the spelling

Everyone took turns holding baby DJ, while Dean and Jade talked

"She's so beautiful," Dean said, holding Jade's hand

"I know," Jade said sleepily

"Thank you," Dean said, Jade tilted her head confused

"You gave me a perfect family, thank you." He said, leaning down to give her a kiss

"Your welcome," she whispered as her dad passed DJ back to her

"Hi princess, it's very nice to meet you," she spoke in a quiet voice

They say a baby's eyes can open when they hear their mom's voice, well, that's what happened as DJ's eyes opened to show they were the exact same colour as Dean's

"God, she's beautiful," Dean gasped

"The perfect mix of Jade and Dean," Stephanie said

Jade and Dean smiled at each other

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