I'm The Best Uncle

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Dean sat with a smile as he watched his daughter sit on their couch, rubbing her pregnant belly

He walked over to where she was and handed her a cup of cocoa and she looked up at him and took the mug, watching her father sit next to her and fondly put his hand on her pregnant belly

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He walked over to where she was and handed her a cup of cocoa and she looked up at him and took the mug, watching her father sit next to her and fondly put his hand on her pregnant belly

"Isn't this weird for you daddy?" DJ asked, rubbing her stomach and looking at Dean

"Not at all, I had 3 kids, I think I'm used to seeing pregnant bellies," Dean said with a smile

"You and mom have been so helpful with my pregnancy." DJ said, smiling at her father

"Oh it's no problem Deej, when's Ant coming home?" Dean asked sipping some of his own cocoa

"Tonight," DJ replied, drinking some cocoa

"You're heading into 9 months and 2 weeks soon, you're overdue babe, aren't you worried?" Dean asked

"Not really, the doctor said there would be a complication as does any pregnancy so the overdate is natural. But I can't have this baby without Anthony." DJ said to her father who smiled and nodded

"I'm home!" The pair heard Jade call from the front door and they both went to meet her

"Look who I found on the path." Jade said, gesturing to Anthony, who DJ immediately ran to and tightly hugged him

Jade walked up and gave Dean a kiss

"I thought you were coming tonight." DJ said, playfully hitting Anthony on his arm making him chuckle and kiss DJ's head

"I wanted to surprise my wife and soon to be daughter." He said, pressing his hand to his wife's pregnant belly, smiling as he felt his daughter kick

Jade cuddled into Dean's chest as they watched Anthony show Jon and David how to do a suplex while DJ watched

Suddenly DJ yelled out and everything froze as she went into labour and Anthony began panicking

"Anthony, get DJ to the car, I'll get her baby bag, babe, put on your slippers and coach DJ, boys, I'm calling your grandparents, there isn't room in the car right now. David, Jon get ready and put the baby's car seat in the car." Dean said, sliding on his sneakers and taking charge of the situation

Everyone did as told and soon they were at the hospital

"Your at 10 centimeters, get ready to push," the doctors told DJ as she grabbed onto her mom and dad's hands as Anthony waited with the video camera to cut the cord.

And then a beautiful 8 pound, 6 oz baby girl was born

"What's her name?" The nurse asked, during the early hours of the morning

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"What's her name?" The nurse asked, during the early hours of the morning

"Antonia Jade Orton," Anthony replied, looking at his mother in law whose smile doubled in size at the middle name they chose for their child

"Mom, she's perfect." DJ whispered looking at her baby girl that was holding onto Anthony's finger while he videotaped

Dean wrapped an arm around Jade and smiled then the door opened and Hunter, Steph and David and Jon walked in

David carried a pink blanket and a pacifier while Jon had a unicorn pillow pet, and a little bunny rabbit stuffed toy.

"I'm the best uncle," David called

"No I'm the best uncle," Jon replied and a playful pushing game ensued

"Boys, stop it." Dean said in his stern voice and the boys instantly stopped, instead putting down their stuff for the baby then going over to hug their sister

"How are you big sis?" David and Jon asked in unison

DJ sleepily smiled at them

"I'm fine pests," she said to them and they smiled as they walked over abd instantly began cooing over their new niece

So it was Dean had his arm around Jade, Stephanie had an arm latched to Dean and Hunter had his arm around Stephanie, while Anthony was coaching her little brothers on how to hold DJ's daughter.

Yup, her family was perfect. She yawned and kissed her mom and dad's hands that was holding hers

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