We Need Your Mom

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"Mom, Dad, I need to talk to you guys!" DJ screamed, running down the stairs

"Outside babe," Dean called, rubbing Jade's hip from where she lay on his chest

"So I wanted to talk to you guys, when I went to the performance centre with Uncle Randy, I fell in love guys, I made up my mind, I wanna be a professional wrestler." DJ said, looking at her mom and dad's shocked faces

"DJ," Dean began but DJ continued talking

"I'm absolutely sure. I know what I want. I wanna be a professional wrestler. I wanna be as successful as the two of you. Wanna meet my soulmate just like the two of you. Guys, I'm so serious about this." Danielle pleaded

"Okay Dani, okay." Jade said, with a chuckle

"We'll let you be a wrestler." Jade said with a grin

"On one condition," Dean said

DJ's face fell.

"You have to finish college." Jade finished, Dean nodding in the background and DJ's smile lit up again

"Tomorrow. Uncle Randy and Uncle Seth are coming over. So them, including your dad will train you. Deal?" Jade said, smiling at the happy glow DJ possessed

She nodded wildly, jetting forward and hugging her mom and dad as tight as she could

DJ let go and ran back inside the house as Jade resumed her position on Dean's chest and his hands resumed their position on her hips

Jade turned in his arms so their fronts were pressed together

"We did a good job didn't we?" Jade asked rubbing her nose against Dean's affectionately

"We did the best we could." Dean replied, leaning forward and kissing her as they both smiled into the kiss

DJ watched from her bedroom window, the embrace of her parents and she smiled

It was amazing to think they were so much more in love now than they were when they first met. It was incredible and DJ prayed she'd find her forever someday.

But for now, she'd have to get some rest if she was gonna wake up early for training tomorrow.

-Next Morning-

"RANDY!" Jade yelled happily as she saw his bentley pull up in their driveway

Randy got out and opened his arms as Jade dived on him and squeezed him

"I missed you kiddo," he said, giving her forehead a kiss

"Missed you to Rands," she replied, smiling

"Uncle Randy," the boys said as they walked out and met him

It was exactly an hour before Seth made it to the house and DJ was ready to practice

Jade went upstairs and was doing some work in the meantime, on her computer

"Okay, so the way this works, is there's different fighting techniques, mine's brawling, Randy is all about power and Seth is a high flyer, so what style do you prefer?" Dean asked

DJ looked between the three men and grinned

"I want a little of all actually," she said

Now thw three men looked at each other

"JADE!" they shouted simultaneously

Jade jumped where she was and got up.

"You need to train DJ. She wants all the abilities of the three of us in one package," Randy explained

"We need your mom," Dean said looking at DJ who nodded eagerly and smiled at Jade

Jade got ready and stood looking at DJ while the guys sat and looked on

"So I've always liked the aerial attacks a little more. Now you need to arch your foot when you perform a sweep kick," Jade explained and walked over to the punching bag

"Like so," Jade said and demonstrated a perfect sweep kick

"Like so," Jade said and demonstrated a perfect sweep kick

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The guys grinned and cheered as she gracefully landed

"Whoa mom that was so cool," DJ said

"Thanks babe, now you." She said gesturing to the punching bag. DJ also did a perfect sweep kick, making Jade and the guys smile widely

"And now, when performing, I like a power strike with my feet," Jade said holding onto the punching bag

"So you find your balance and raise your knee high enough, like this," Jade said and then showed them

"In wrestling, it's all about timing and precision so it will take a while," Jade admitted watching as DJ held her foot after she kicked the bag

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"In wrestling, it's all about timing and precision so it will take a while," Jade admitted watching as DJ held her foot after she kicked the bag

"Now." Jade began, stepping into the ring, followed by DJ

"Come at me." Jade said, folding her arms behind her back as she waited for DJ

"Mom what? I'm not gonna hit you." DJ protested

"DJ, listen to your mother, come at me." Jade ordered once again

DJ shrugged and charged at Jade only for her to raise her leg and clothesline her down and then spin and kick her in the back of her head

"You've got a lot to learn sport. Do some agility practice with the boys and we'll pick up tomorrow." Jade said, pulling off her wrist tape so she could begin cooking lunch

DJ looked dazedly at her mom as she walked off, she knew her mom was good but she didn't know she was such a badass

"Damn." She said, watching as her mom walked away

Randy, Seth and Dean nodded in agreement smiling at Jade's back

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