Friends With Benefits Sorta Deal

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Jade couldn't take it, DJ was at Jade's parents' place for the weekend so Jade was so unnerved, there was no sound in the house. Dean wasn't speaking to her at all. So when he did speak up, she was startled

She heard him coming down the steps and sighed

"Jade," his voice boomed in the always quiet house

Jade jumped slightly

"Don't scare me like that," Jade said, grasping her chest, Dean cracked a small smile at her

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"Don't scare me like that," Jade said, grasping her chest, Dean cracked a small smile at her

"Sorry," he said

"I just remembered we had that reservation from a week ago at the boardwalk seafood place," Dean said

Jade's mouth made an "o" shape

"Right, so are we gonna go?" She asked, unsure

"Yeah, we already paid for the all inclusive," Dean replied

"Go get ready, we'll leave soon," Dean said, running up the steps to their room

Jade sighed, she really needed to tell Dean what Seth meant. This wasn't how she wanted to spend these few days of vacation, she wanted to be with her man and her kid, having the best time of her life, but instead, Deej was 2661 miles away from them. Dean was pissed off at her and Bully was the only one she could depend on, and he's a dog for fucks sake!

She put on a red flannel and some black jeans with a nice pair of sandals and they were off, silence in the car on the way there

They were at the restaurant with Jade's fried squid and fries and Dean's shrimp and fries, when Dean spoke

"So, we need to talk about Seth," he said, chewing a piece of shrimp

"Okay," Jade replied, slowly

"You know my insecurities, he knows my insecurities too, so I don't understand why you guys have to add to them." Dean said

"I'm not trying to, but Seth's right, me and him have kissed before," She said, making Dean look at her

"I'm not trying to, but Seth's right, me and him have kissed before," She said, making Dean look at her

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