Chapter Nine:

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Ruka (1)

The guards sent us to the earth king and I began to sweat. I guess this is what I do when I'm nervous. Never really noticed it before.

Inside was huge, as you could expect an earth kingdom palace to be.

We walked up the path in the room that the earth king was in, and I gulped, seeing his figure on his throne. The two guards pushed us down to our knees in front of him, but not forcefully.

"Your majesty, these juveniles were arrested for vandalism, traveling under false pretenses, and malicious destruction of cabbages." One of the guards explained to the king. The cabbage guy was stomping his feet individually, raising his fist in the air, "Off with their heads! One for each head of cabbage."

"Silence!" The guard told him. "Only the king can pass down judgment." They turned to the king, "What is your judgement, sire?"

The earth king looked at us intensely. We didn't want to make eye contact with him, so instead, we looked to the floor.

Then, we looked up and gave pleading eyes.

"Throw them..." The king lifted his finger and we gasped. "A feast." He smiled. The guards and cabbage guy were shocked. Sokka and I smiled, Katara turned to Aang while he gave a confused look. "Huh?"

"Take them to the dining room. I'll be there shortly." The king said to the guards. The guards nodded slowly, picking us up and taking us to the dining room.

"Good thing I'm starving." I told Sokka and he nodded, agreeing.

We took our seats at the table, and waited for the king and the food.

A couple minutes later, a voice was heard from behind us. I jumped slightly and turned my head, the king was right behind us.

Plates were brought out to us, holding one chicken leg on each one. Plates of food were coming out to the table as well.

The king laughed lowly, "The people in my city have gotten fat from too many feasts. So I hope you like your chicken with no skin." The king put his arm around Aang then picked up his chicken leg.

Aang turned his head to the King, "thanks, but I don't eat meat."

The king turned to Sokka, "how about you? I bet you like meat." The king stuffed the chicken leg into Sokka's mouth. He was shocked at first but then started to hum while he chewed.

"Is it just me or is this guys crown a little crooked?" Katara asked Aang and I, putting her finger to the side of her head and twirling it in a small circle. I shrugged, picking up my chicken leg and took a bite into it.

"So tell me young bald one," the king went to the other side of the table and took a seat. "Where are you from?"

"I'm from... Kangaroo Island!" Aang lied. "Oh, kangaroo island aye?" The king raised his brow, "I hear that place is really hopping!"

It was silent at first but then Sokka started to laugh and I snickered. Aang and Katara turned to us with plain looks.

"What? It was pretty funny." Sokka pouted. The king yawned, stretching out his arms. "Well, all these good jokes are making me tired. Guess it's time to hit the hay." The king reached into his cloak then whipped out a chicken leg to Aang.

Aang stopped it from hitting him by holding it in his hands with air bending.

"There's an air bender in our presence and not just any airbender... the avatar!" The king stood up from his seat. Aang widened his eyes, bringing his hands down under the table and letting the chicken fall on the plate.

"Now, what do you have to say for yourself Mr. Pippin Paddle Lubsakopalus?" The king smirked.

Aang shrunk in his seat, "that I'm sorry?"

I cleared my throat, "you gonna eat that that?" I pointed to the chicken leg in front of Aang. He stood up from his seat, "Okay, you caught me. I'm the avatar. Doing my avatar thing - keeping the world safe."

I pouted, crossing my arms. He's not going to eat it so why is he going to ignore me.

"Everything checks out," he looks under the table, "No fire benders here. So, good work everybody. Love each other." He put his arms around us, leaning us into him. I reached over to grab his chicken and before I can take a bite, he dragged us away from the table.

I frowned as I saw the chicken getting farther and farther away.

"Respect all life and don't run with your spheres." Aang said, pointing to the guards who had spheres in their hands. We gave the king a cheekily smile, "we'll see you next time!"

The guards blocked our paths by crossing their spheres. I sighed, "Why is this always happening to me?"

"You can't keep us here." Katara said. "Let us leave!"

The king picked up a piece of lettuce from his plate, "lettuce leaf?" He took a bite into it and I faced palmed myself. Wow, the second time today.

Sokka whispered over to us, "we're in serious trouble. This guy is nuts."

"Tomorrow, the avatar will face three deadly challenges." The king put his hands together. But for now, the guards will show you to your chamber."

The guard next to him leaned down to the king, "My liege, do you mean the good chamber or the bad chamber?" The king looked up to him, "the newly refurbished chamber."

The guard held up his finger, "wait, which one are we talking about?"

"The one that used to be the bad chamber. Until the recent refurbishing that is. Of course, we've been calling it the new chamber, but we really should number them. Uh, take them to the refurbished chamber that was once bad!"

The guards did as told and I slumped my shoulders. Sokka tapped my shoulder and I turned to him. He was holding up the chicken leg and I grinned, taking it from and biting into it. "Thanks." I whispered with my mouth full.

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