Chapter Eleven:

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Ruka (1)

We were led out to some place that had a big opening in the ground. I'm guessing it's for Flopsy?

Aang went down and landed behind a small rabbit who was sitting on a rock. "Okay, found him!" Aang yelled to the king who was outside the huge opening, including us.

"Bring him to me!" The king replied, "Daddy wants a kiss from Flopsy."

Aang walked slowly to the rabbit, "come here Flopsy."

Then jumped in a huge goat gorilla, scaring the rabbit away. "Aang, grab Flopsy!" I yelled. He jumped out of the way from the goat gorilla crushing him and started to run after the hopping rabbit. "Flopsy, wait! Flopsy!"

The goat gorilla roared and ran after Aang. "Stop this your majesty! Aang's going to get hurt by that... thing!" I yelled to the king. But he ignored me, laughing hysterically.

As the goat gorilla got closer to Aang, he shielded himself then said, "Flopsy?"

The goat gorilla sat down and wagged its small tail back and forth. It picked up Aang and started to cradle it, giving him a big wet kiss.

"Flopsy!" Aang chuckled, petting the new Flopsy's head. Or the original Flopsy? My head hurts. Get these crystals off me!!!

The king whistled and Flopsy let go of Aang and ran to us. He rolled onto his back and I felt my face get warm, and I thought he was a monster.

"Oh, that's a good boy," the king walked over to Flopsy, and started to rub his belly, "yes, who has soft belly."

Aang jumped up, "Guys, are you okay?" The crystals were already covering our body's - stopping at our necks. "Other than the crystals slowly encasing my entire body, doing great." Well, except for Sokka. He only had his head popping out and just right now, one side of the crystals grew and making him fall to his side. I laughed and he glared at me. That's basically our sibling relationship.

Aang walked over to the king with his fists on his hips, "Come on. I'm ready for the next challenge." The king smirked and started to laugh maliciously. I knew that wasn't a good sign.


"Your final test is a dual." The king said. "And as a special treat, you may choose your opponent."

Two very tall, scary men walked in. I can't really see them, so I can't give you a good description, but just know they're scary.

"Point and choose." The king said. "So you're saying whoever I point to, that's the person I get to fight?" Aang asked. "Choose wisely." The king said slowly.

"I choose... you." Aang said, pointing to the king. The king laughed, "Wrong answer." His bones started to crack and his slouch was slightly gone. He whipped off his clothes, revealing a slightly toned, yet skinny body. I widened my eyes, he's doomed! Forget that, we're doomed!

The king stomped his foot and Aang went flying in the air and landed back to the fighting arena.

I felt my crystal start to grow, except, only on one side, unbalancing it out and making me fall. "You've got to be kidding me!"

Sokka laughed and I glared at him, So this is how he feels. Eh, still gonna do it.

I heard very loud noises and was mad I didn't know what was going on. "What's happening?!" I asked my siblings.

The Ruka Wild ↠ Book 1 > A:TLA [Avatar: TLAB-LoK Watty Awards 2018]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora