Chapter Thirty-Two:

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Ruka (1)

"Ruka! Wake up already!"

I groggily opened my eyes and saw a blurry Aang with a blurry Momo on his head looking down at me. "Great!"

I sat up and rubbed my eyes, "What's going on?"

"C'mon, we gotta leave." Aang said with a smile as he stood up. I furrowed my brows, "Katara agreed to leave?"

"Huh? No, Jet needs our help."

I groaned, "I'm going back to sleep."

"Awe, c'mon Ruka! What are you going do all by yourself here?"

"I'm not by myself." I said from under my sleeping bag.

"I mean, if you want to talk to Momo or Appa all day, that's up to you."

I lifted myself up, "Sokka's going with you?"

Aang shook his head, "We don't know where he is. He was gone when Katara and I woke up."

I cleared my throat, "Y'know what Aang? You're right, I should go and help Jet too. It's the least I could do."

"Really?! Great! Hurry up though, we have to leave like now." Aang said before he quickly left the hut.

I scoffed to myself, "I know Sokka didn't just go for a morning walk. Maybe Jet can fool Aang and Katara. But not me."


Katara, Aang, and I were following close behind Jet. I was looking around to see if I can find any signs of Sokka.

"Jet, I'm sorry about how Sokka's been acting." Katara apologized to Jet. I rolled my eyes.

"No worries. He already apologized." Jet replied. I averted my attention to him, now I know you're lying.

"Really? Sokka apologized?" Aang and Katara stopped in their tracks and looked to each other. I stopped in front of them with my arms crossed. "I know, pretty hard to believe. Huh, Jet?"

"Yeah." Jet chuckled. "I was surprised too. I got the sense that maybe you talked to him or something?"

Katara raised her brows, "Yeah, I did."

Jet gave her a slight smirk, "I guess something you said got through to him. Anyhow, he went on a scouting mission with Pipsqueak and Smellerbee."

We continued walking but I slowed down my pace. They can't be too close by. Maybe a little deeper into the woods.

When I looked ahead at the trio, their backs were to me and I took my chance. I ran into the side of the forest where the trees surrounded everything.

As I kept running and got deeper in the woods, I heard muffled talking. I slowed my pace, but was still quick enough so to make sure I wouldn't lose them.

Ahead, I saw Pipsqueak and Smellerbee following behind Sokka who was tied in ropes behind his back.

I kneeled down and followed at their side, making sure I would be covered by the large trees most of the time.

I didn't know how I could get Sokka's attention without getting the other duo's as well.

"Come on! Move along!" Smellerbee said as she shoved him forward. Sokka looked behind his shoulder, "How can you stand by and do nothing while Jet wipes out a whole town!"

A gasped but covered my mouth quickly, I knew Jet was up to something.

"Hey listen Sokka! Jet's a great leader. We follow what he says, and things always turn out okay!" Pipsqueak said. I shook my head, you're all delusional.

I saw Sokka turn his head and I followed his trail. I saw trap bait laid down like for the ones I got caught in a few days back. I knew what he was planning.

I slightly stood up, getting ready to run when I needed to.

"If that's how Jet leads, then he he's got a lot to learn!" Sokka yelled before he ran to where the traps were. I quickly ran after them, making sure I know where my feet land.

I stopped and looked up as I saw Smellerbee and Pipsqueak fly up into the air in the traps.

"While you two are up there, you might want to practice your knot work." Sokka said, holding the rope that poorly tied his wrists together earlier.


Sokka looked to me and grinned, "Ruka!" We ran to each other and embraced in a tight hug.

"I'm so happy you're okay!" I said as we pulled away from each other. "Same here. How did you find me?"

"Instincts?" I shrugged. He lightly smiled, "We have to go to the hideout and get Appa. We need to warn that town!"

I nodded, "I'm with you. Whatever you need."

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