Chapter Eighteen:

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Ruka (1)

Aang stepped out of the building and closed the double doors behind him.

Sokka, Katara, and I watched him from the window, including some of the other villagers but they watched from afar.

"Um, hello?! Sprit, can you hear me?! This is the avatar speaking! I'm here to try to help stuff!" Aang said, walking to the entrance of the village with his glider in hand.

"This isn't right. We can't sit here and cower while Aang's waiting for some monster to show up." Sokka said.

"If anyone can save us, he can." The elderly man said from behind us. 

"He still shouldn't have to face this alone." Sokka replied.

I put my hand on his shoulder, "I agree with you, Sokka. But there's nothing we can do. This is Aang's fight."

We watched as the sun set, still no spirit arriving. I turned around to the elderly man, "It's already sunset, where is he?"

The elderly man didn't answer and instead watched with fear past me.

I turned around and Aang was making his way back, but from behind him, a large spirit monster in black and white was following Aang.

And turned around and looked up to Hei Bai, "You must be the Hei Bai spirit. My name is -"

Hei Bai blew out a strong gust of air from his mouth to Aang then walked past him.

"My name is Aang! I'm the avatar and I would like to help! Hey, wait up!" Aang said, running after the giant spirit who began to destroy some of the homes. He was quick to move and was very strong.

"The avatar's methods are... unusual." The younger man said, raising his brow.

"It doesn't seem too interested in what he's saying. Maybe we should go help him." Sokka said. The elderly man shook his head, "No. Only the avatar stands a chance against the Hei Bai."

"Aang will figure out the right thing to do, Sokka." Katara reassured.

"Yeah, well he isn't doing such a great job." I said, rolling up my sleeves and took a step to the door, but Sokka grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"No, not yet." He said. We turned our heads and a second later, Aang was thrown to the building and fell to the ground.  

Sokka let go of my arm, "There's our cue. He needs our help."

Well duh!

"Sokka, wait! Ruka!" Katara called to us. We pushed past the double doors and ran to where the spirit and Aang were.

"Hei Bai! Over here!" Sokka threw his boomerang to the butt of the spirit, but it just bounced off.

When I looked for something that I could get water out of, I saw a bucket on the porch of one of the homes.

I ran over to it and picked it up, Yes! Water!

I carefully ran over to Sokka and handed him the bucket of water

"Throw the water to his leg when I say go." I told him. He nodded and waited for my cue.

I got closer to the Hei Bai's giant leg and took my stance, "Go!"

Sokka threw it to the Hei Bai and when the water hit his leg, I froze the water.

"Yes!" I grinned.

The Hei Bai broke from the ice in less than five seconds - I slumped my shoulders down, "Aw man!"

Sokka grabbed my hand and we ran to Aang.

"You guys, go back!" Aang yelled to us.

I shook my head, "You're not doing this alone."

"We'll fight him together Aang." Sokka said.

We turned around and the Hei Bai wasn't there anymore.

"I don't want to fight him unless I-"

Then, Sokka and I were grabbed from behind by the spirit. The Hei Bai ran into the dark forest and I started to freak out. 


"I'm okay!"

"Sokka!" My voice got higher as we got deeper in the woods.

"Ruka, stay calm! Listen to the sound of my voice, okay?!" Sokka yelled to me. He sounded afraid too, but he didn't want to show it too much because of me.

I started to breath in and out heavily, trying to free myself from the Hei Bai's grasp by hitting his hand with my fists, but it was no use.

"Aang, over here!"

I bit onto the finger of the spirit and finally, he let go. He threw me into the forest trees but I mostly fell through the bushes and landed to the floor on my stomach - I don't think they saw or heard me.

When I turned my head, the spirit and Aang were gone. There was no sign of them.

I tried my best to stand as quickly as I could, but my stomach felt bruised.

"Sokka!" My voice wasn't strong anymore - it was raspy and low. "Aang!"

I don't know where the village is. I don't know where to go.

"Maybe if I go this way," I turned my body to my right and slowly started to walk ahead. "I'll go straight to the village."

I crossed my arms as I got cold, looking around but all I saw were trees and more trees.

I felt shaky and I knew what I needed, but there was nothing here that could give it to me.

I felt my eyes grow heavier and heavier with each step I took. I'm not tired. But why do I feel so tired?


What do you think Ruka needs? And who do you think will end up being the one to give it her?

The Ruka Wild ↠ Book 1 > A:TLA [Avatar: TLAB-LoK Watty Awards 2018]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ