Chapter Fourty:

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Ruka (1)

"Music night is special to us." Iroh smiled as we walked on deck. Lieutenant Jee, Hiko, and other crew members were around a fire pit with instruments in front of them.

I sat down next to Hiko and he smiled at me. "I'm surprised to see you here."

"I'm never here for music night." I replied.

Lieutenant Jee started to play his Pipa and two others added in the drums. Iroh started to sing, "Winter, spring - summer and fall..."

Two crew members danced together and I watched them for a little until I saw Hiko stand up.

He put his hand out and I grabbed onto it, standing up as well. He grabbed onto my hands and pulled me closer to him. "I can't-"

"Just follow my lead."

Iroh continued to sing while Hiko and I swayed together. As he looked down at me, I took in his features. He was maybe 21 to 24 years old.
Hiko was handsome. I felt my cheeks warm
up and I slightly looked away from him.

"Winter, spring - summer and fall. Four seasons, four loves. Four seasons, for love."

When the music stopped, Hiko and I removed ourselves from each other. We turned our heads and saw Commander Zhao with two soldiers on either side of him.

He smiled to us mischievously while I glared at him.

Iroh cleared his throat, "Commander Zhao. Did you come to join us for music night?"

"Unfortunately not General. I came here in regard of your crew." Zhao replied. I walked over next to Iroh with my arms crossed. "What about the crew?"

Zhao raised his brow at me, "Well. If it isn't the water tribe prisoner."

"She is no longer a prisoner to us." Iroh said. Zhao looked to me with no emotion before facing Iroh again. "I need to speak to Prince Zuko. I'm sure he'd like be informed that his crew will no longer be traveling with him."

Iroh and I widened our eyes.

Iroh looked down and sighed before leading Zhao to Prince Zuko. I followed them while looking back to Hiko who slightly frowned at me.

Once we reached Zuko's room, Iroh opened the metal door and I stepped in alongside him. Zuko was seated on the floor with his back to the wall. His arms were crossed and he was looking away from us. "For the last time, I'm not playing the tsungi horn."

I chuckled, "Music night is over."

"No, it's about our plans. There is a bit of a problem." Iroh said.

Zhao stepped into the room with a stern face, "I'm taking your crew."

"What?!" Zuko got up from where he was seated and walked over to us angrily. Zhao stepped in front of him. "I've recruited them for a little expedition to the North Pole."

Zuko looked to Iroh, "Uncle, is that true?"

"I'm afraid so. He's taking everyone." He slightly cried into sleeve, "Even the cook."

I placed my hand on his shoulder and whispered, "It's okay."

"Sorry you won't be there to watch me capture the Avatar. But I can't have you getting in my way again." Zhao said.

Zuko groaned, pushing himself toward Zhao. Iroh stepped up and stopped him, "No!"

Zhao turned his body and walked toward the wall that hung Zuko's dual swords and their sheath. I gulped and looked to Zuko from the corner of my eye.

He reached over and picked one up to examine it. "I didn't know you were skilled with broad swords, Prince Zuko."

"I'm not. There antiques - just decorative." Zuko lied. I quickly nodded, "Yeah. The only thing Prince Zuko is skilled at is throwing tantrums." Zuko gave me a glare and shrugged.

"Have you heard of the Blue Spirit General Iroh?" Zhao asked. "Just rumors. I don't think he is real." Iroh answered.

Zhao walked over to us with the sword still in his hands. "He's real, alright. Isn't he, girl?" He said to me with his eyebrows furrowed. I looked away with my head down. "He's a criminal. An enemy to the Fire Nation."

Zhao pointed down the sword and handed it to Iroh. "But I have a feeling justice will catch up with him soon." Zhao walked away from us and before he stepped out of the room, he said, "General Iroh, the offer to join my mission still stands, if you change your mind." And with that, he shut the metal door behind him.

The three of us looked to each other in silence. I broke the silence by saying, "I'm going to say bye to Hiko."

I walked away from the two and went to the metal door. I walked out of the room and closed the door behind me.

I quickly made my way on deck and looked around for Hiko. As I was looking around, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and Hiko stood there with a weary smile.

"Well now who am I going to talk to?" I joked.

"You know, after music night, I was going to ask you out on a date." He said. I felt my cheeks get warm, "Were you now?"

Hiko nodded. "I guess it's too late for that now."

I playfully nudged him, "Stay safe out there, okay?"

"You too. Safe travels."

"Same here."

It was quiet between us until he groaned, "Crap."


I was cut off by him giving me a peck on the lips. When he pulled away, he smiled once again. He left with the other soldiers and I just stood there dumbfounded.

"Why does this always happen to me?!"

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