Chapter Fourty-Two:

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Ruka (1)

I was seated in the war meeting room with Iroh and Zhao. Iroh decided to join Zhao after all and I still couldn't believe it.

"I'm devastated to hear about Prince Zuko." Zhao said as he poured tea into Iroh's cup. "Just devastated."

I rolled my eyes, you couldn't care less

"The Fire Lord will not be pleased when he learns who was responsible." Iroh said with a stern expression . Zhao furrowed his brows, "You know who was behind the attack?"

I watched Zhao from the corner of my eyes. He seemed a bit... worried.

"Yes," Iroh pounded his fist on the table. "Pirates. We had a run-in with them awhile back. They wanted revenge."

Zhao smirked as he brought his cup with the steaming tea to his lips. Something's not right. When Zhao looked to me, I faced him with an expressionless face.

"You were also on the ship, my dear?" Zhao asked, keeping his smirk. I faked a smile, "No need to get formal with me Zhao. I prefer water tribe peasant."

Zhao's smirk fell and I looked away from him. "So, have you reconsidered my offer?"

"Yes, I have." Iroh said with a small bow. "It will be an honor to serve as your general."

Iroh lifted his tea cup up for a toast, "To the Fire Nation!"

Zhao did the same, "To victory!"

I shook my head while standing up, "Find me when you're done here, Iroh."

I made my way out of the room and while I did, Iroh said to Zhao, "Please excuse her. She's still recuperating from losing Prince Zuko."

"Aren't we all?" Zhao replied.


I walked down the hall with my arms crossed and a grumpy look plastered on my face. "How could Iroh just join him? After everything Zhao has done - great, now I'm talking to myself."

I sighed, letting my arms fall to my sides. A soldier slowly walked oppositely from me, slower than someone should. I made sure to keep my guard up as we past each other.

When my wrist was grabbed in a tight manner, I used my free arm to push them back harshly to the wall. Catching them off guard, I yanked my wrist away then kneed them in the stomach. Silly him wasn't wearing any stomach  armor. I put my arm under their chin and added pressure to it and while they started to choke, I looked through the eye holes of the helmet mask.

I saw an all too familiar scar, and with my eyes wide, I backed away from the soldier. The soldier held their neck with their hands while coughing loudly.

"Uncover your face." I demanded. "Because if you are who I think I'm imagining, then you're really dead."

Once the soldier finished coughing, he took off the mask from his helmet.

"Zuko?!" I whispered harshly. "But- but you were-"

"You almost killed me!"

"You were supposed to be dead!"

Zuko placed his mask back on then grabbed my arm and rushed us into an empty room. He took it off once again and I saw cuts and bruises on his face that were similar to mine.

"You're an idiot." I said before I crossed my arms. "Why didn't you tell me you were alive?"

"Uncle and I decided it was best if we didn't." Zuko replied. I furrowed my brows, "Iroh knew?"

Zuko nodded, "But that's not the point. I'm coming up with a plan to get us to the North Pole before Zhao."

"Well hurry it up. I can't stay here any longer." I said before I started to storm out of the room. Before I left out of the door, I turned, "By the way, you're still an idiot."

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