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Sheldon's pov

I still can't believe this Stuart the weird guy that works at the comic book store is out on a date with Amy, I mean come on how can that even happen they have nothing in common Amy is a neurobiologist she deserves someone that's smarter than Stuart. And here I am sitting at home with Raj, Howard, and Lenard playing Mystic Warlords of Ka'a. I was just thinking all to myself about how there date was going hoping it would obliterate when suddenly my small friend said,

"Buddy, it's your turn I just played my card hocus pocus Pocahontas."

"Oh sorry I was just thinking about...... uh work."

"No you're not, what are you thinking about?"

"Didn't you here Amy is out on a date with Stuart," said Howard

God did that make me furious I really did not need these guys on my back about Amy, I just wanted to go to my room and block the whole world out. Then Raj and Lenard look at me with raised eyebrows.

"Oh Sheldon, I'm so sorry" Raj said

"It's fine I just have to deal with the fact that there is someone better for Amy who went to a collage for arts not science."

The rest of the night we just played the game in silence. I went to bed moments after Raj and Howard left. Soon enough I fell into a deep sleep.

I saw Amy at work except she didn't look exactly herself. I went over to her it looked like she had been crying it kind of looked like she wanted to be by herself so I went back to work.

After work I took the bus to Amy's apartment with a cup of tea since that's what you do when someone is upset. I knocked on her door and there she was perfect as ever even in her upset mood.

"Hey Amy, I got you a cup of tea are you okay?"

"Not really, Stuart broke up with me and your girlfriend came up to me and said that I deserved to be broken up with, because no one would ever want to be with me."

"Excuse me, girlfriend?"

"Yea you know Leslie?"

"Oh God I think I'm going to be sick I hate Leslie"

"What are you talking about you kiss her all the time"

"You do realize that I hate her she calls me Dr. Dumbass"

"She used to but now don't you know she calls you Dr. Sexy."

"Oh my God well I'm not here to talk about Leslie I'm here to talk to you and comfort you what Leslie said is wrong anyone would be lucky to have you, like that night I figured out Stuart asked you out I was devastated I couldn't imagine not having you in my life."

"Thanks Sheldon but Leslie is still right, no guy would ever want to......"

All the sudden I just kissed her I couldn't help it just seeing her upset is terrible, I needed to prove to her I wanted her.

Beep beep beep

My alarm went off come on. That's it I have to see Amy today about this deal with Stuart.

Weird thing is when Lenard and I got to work Amy wasn't there so I just went through with work and went home. When we got to the lobby I ran up the stairs as fast as I could and I looked at my computer on Facebook to see how there date went then I texted Amy if she was busy she had another date with Stuart they were going to see a movie.

Oh I can't stand it now they're going to be in a movie theater together, I have to see her.

At around 7 I went to the movie theater and the movie was still going on I searched the room and found that cute looking nuerobiologist. I approached the open seat next to her.

"Sheldon what are you doing here?" she asked

"It's really hard to think of you in a darkened theater with Stuart, it's repellant"

"Okay, than what do you need?"

"Seeing you with any other man but me is very hurtful, so that nothing changes between us I would like to change the notion of you not being my girlfriend"


"Amy, will you be my girlfriend?"

"... Yes..."

"Okay meet me outside after the movie"

After I left I waited patiently and went to go get tea for both of us. After I came back I saw her come out and she walked up to me and I handed her, her tea. And I took hold of her hand she looked at me surprised. I'm just happy now I have her in my arms and not in any other guys arms I couldn't help myself so I kissed her on the cheek. That was by far the best day of my life.

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