Sweet Charlie Part 1

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It was Thursday night, and that was always pizza night, or most of the time it was. Amy was almost nine months pregnant and on maternity leave, luckily she didn't have to go up or down the four flights of stairs. Sheldon and Amy were about to head over to 4A, even though Amy didn't want to, since she has been feeling very uncomfortable lately.

"Are you ready to head over?" Sheldon asked

"I guess" Amy said

"Is something wrong?"

"I'm just really tired, I guess, I don't really want to go places."

"How about this, after tonight we don't have to go anywhere else for a long time" Sheldon suggested

"Okay" Amy then got up to walked over to Sheldon while she put her hand on her belly. Sheldon then opened the door and followed her out.

When they opened the door to the other apartment Penny greeted them immediately.

"How's the new family doing?" She said excitedly

"The baby hasn't been born yet" Sheldon simply stated

"Yeah, but I think they will be here soon" Penny said enthusiastically

Amy smiled, she liked getting all the attention from all her friends, since her mother brought her and her child down, because the baby was conceived before she and Sheldon have even gotten married, they even had to postpone the wedding.

"So, how does your mother feel about the whole thing?" Bernadette asked

"She was not too thrilled, she told me that I had to sit in our closet for a few hours, she also blamed the baby for many things, so I'm not letting my mother see him or her" Amy stated

"Really? You're really not going to let her see her own grandchild" Penny asked

"No, I don't want my mother treating my child the way she did me, our child is never going to sit in a closet, I mean come on that is ridiculous." Amy said trying to hold back tears

"Sheldon, what do you think of the whole thing with Amy and her mother?" Leonard asked

"I don't blame her I didn't like finding my own fiancé in a closet even when I told her not to, I mean it's not like her mother could see her."

"Yeah, Sheldon had to help me get out of the closet" Amy said

It was always hard for Amy to talk about her mother, all because her mother was so strict, and it brought back terrible memories of her childhood always having to be in the sin closet, that closet now gives her nightmares.

After they ate, Leonard turned on Game of Thrones and Amy put her hand on her belly, because the baby was kicking, she swore that this kid could turn out to be a soccer player. Sheldon took the blanket from the back of the couch and put it on them both and put his arm around Amy so his hand was also resting on her belly. Amy then put her head on his chest.

Soon, Amy fell asleep. Sheldon knew that they should get back to their apartment to get some sleep, but the only problem is that he didn't want to wake Amy up to make her walk there herself, since she has been really tired lately.

"Hey Leonard, can you open the door?"

Leonard went to open the door, because he knew that Sheldon was going to carry Amy which sort of surprised him. Sheldon picked Amy up bridal style, and surprisingly Amy was still light even when she was close to nine months pregnant. Sheldon got her home and to bed considering she might have to get up so many times in the night.

A few hours later

Amy woke up with a huge pain in her stomach, she began to shake Sheldon "Sheldon!"

"What?! What's wrong?" He asked worriedly

Amy was out of breath, "I think my water broke"

"Okay, lets get to the hospital, you get ready, and I will get Leonard and Penny.

Sheldon had Amy's bag for the next morning, but he had to give it to Leonard, because Amy was in so much pain she couldn't walk down the flight of stairs, so Sheldon picked her up. Leonard also parked a couple blocks away, but Sheldon carried Amy all the way to the car, even when she told him he didn't have to.

It only took a few minutes to get to the hospital, and Sheldon rolled Amy in a wheelchair to the front desk.

"We are having a baby!" Sheldon shouted, he hated the service, always asking for him to fill out forms and now wasn't the time.

The nurse took the couple to a private room waiting for Amy to dilate ten centimeters. Amy was trying to relax, because her contractions were getting to her, Sheldon was fixing her blanket to even it out. Amy soon saw someone look in the window at her and now, he was staring at her.

"Sheldon......... Sheldon" She said

Sheldon looked at her still fixing her blanket.

"Someone is looking at me through the window." She said feeling very awkward

Sheldon went to the door and saw Kripke. "Kripke? What are you doing here?"

"Just checking for hot nurses, what are you doing here?"

"You know why I am here"

"Yes.... well your fiancé is really hot"

"Just leave Kripke, and stop staring at Amy"


Sheldon went back in and Amy just got over another contraction.

"Can you hand me the ice chips?"

Sheldon handed her the ice chips and sat with her on the bed trying to keep her calm. The nurse came in and after an hour Amy had her baby, it was a boy they named Charles Lee Cooper or Charlie, who had just enough brown hair to cover his small head, he also had bright blue eyes just like his dad.

Sheldon went to go tell everyone and they came into the room.

"Oh my God, he is so cute" Penny said

"I know, that's why he  takes after his dad" Amy said . Amy handed Charlie over to Penny for her to hold him.

Sheldon was watching Penny carefully making sure she didn't drop him.

"Sheldon, relax he is fine" Amy said

After a while they were getting ready to leave putting Charlie in his car seat, though Amy would rather carry him the whole way home in her arms.

When they got home, they put Charlie in his crib, because he was asleep, and the new parents went to the bedroom to go to sleep as well with a baby monitor by their bed.

A/N: I know I wrote a one shot like this not that long ago, but there will be another part that I am going to write and it will bring some interest. I can just some reason see Sheldon being a dad, because he would be good at not spoiling them. I don't know about you guys but a little Sheldon would be pretty cute. Also I updated some of the stories and pictures, especially the grammar.

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