Come Here

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Sheldon's pov

It's still a little bit til our son is born I'm getting nervous. I can't imagine how much pain Amy is in I probably wouldn't stand it like she does she has someone inside her, that would totally freak me out. She's in bed right now sleeping. I don't have to go to work tomorrow because I have to be with Amy you never know what could happen.

I walk into our bedroom and there she is beautiful as ever. Darn that vixen and with the pregnancy she has been seriously glowing. After I put my pajamas on I slip into bed with her a put my hand in her bump protectively you know in a father type way.

A few hours later Amy was shaking me and yelling at me telling me we had to go to the hospital cause her water broke when she was sleeping and of course we were laying in it gross.

"What now?"

"Yes now sheldon come on, we need to go"

"Okay okay we are going to be fine"

We left right away, and I didn't want to drive so I made Penny and Leonard take us then I could comfort Amy better. Amy looked like she was going to pass out from the pain.

"t's going to be fine you will be okay" I said as I rubbed her back making her comfortable.

"I know ehhhhhh Lenard drive faster!"

"I'm going five miles over the speed limit"

It took us forever to get there because we had to stop at every light why today? It's a bad day for this.

20 minutes later, we finally arrive at the hospital and we get Amy into a wheel chair and wheel her to the front desk and they tell us the room to go to.

"The only person that can stay is the father" said the nurse

"You heard her Lenard go"

After they leave I sit with Amy on her bed and talk with her to calm her down.

"You know after the baby's born we could do all types of things now and I can go back to work" she said

"We need to call our parents so they can come on down"

"Yea about that, I didn't really tell my mother that I was pregnant."

"What? Why not?"

"My mother and I never had a good relationship and I don't want that reflecting on our child"

"Amy that won't happen "

"What are we going to name the baby" Amy asked

"I don't know, well we already know it's going to be a boy"

"Yea, if you say Leonard or Spock you are sleeping in the living room"

"Fine I wasn't think about that anyways"

"What were you thinking"

"What about Thomas?"

"Like the train?"

"No of course not, I always liked that name for some reason"

"Okay we will have to see"

I put my hand on her stomach and I could feel him move around a lot, he sure does want out.

A few hours later and he still wasn't born. What is taking so long? Finally a nurse came in and we finally got started I guess you would call it?
The baby was finally born and I went out to tell he others. They were so excited.

We finally got home and Thomas was asleep and when we got in the apartment Amy put him in his crib and went to sleep on the bed I also was supposed to be awake in case Thomas woke up but I feel asleep on the couch.

"Amy where did he go?"

"I don't know he has to be around here somewhere"

Amy and I were at the mall, and we were trying to look for our one year old son who was now walking.

We found him in a vase store and he was green and was wearing a diaper and was running all around.

"Oh boy, you go that way I will go this way"  I said

After we split up Amy was running faster then I have ever seen her and she kept saying "Come here mister"

She finally caught him and when she did I came around to her and started kissing her and Thomas on the cheek. Thank God he didn't break anything ,but I sure need to keep an eye on him

"Wah wah wah"

I woke up to the sound of the baby monitor God that was one heck of a dream like why on earth was Thomas green? Was it really even him?

I walked into the bedroom and Amy was now awake and she asked me, "Sheldon are you okay?"

"I'm fine now"

"Good is there something you wanted to tell me?"

"Oh no I'm just happy that you are calm now"

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