Long Night

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Amy and Sheldon have been dating for more than 5 years now and they now live together in Penny's old apartment. Sheldon was at the comic book store and Amy was stuck in the apartment working on papers for work.

"Sheldon, are you still up for Halo night tomorrow? Sheldon?!" asked Lenard


"I asked if you still wanted to have Halo night tomorrow."

"Um I will have to see most likely I will be able to, Amy has been really busy with work so we shouldn't have date night tomorrow."

"What's she working on?" Howard asked curiously

"Papers for how her addiction study is going, they had her go back on it"

Back in Shamy's apartment

Amy was still working on her papers when there was a knock on her door. She went over and opened her door and saw her two good friends, Penny and Bernie.

"Ames what are you doing stuck in your apartment, it's Girls Night" Penny asked

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that I can't come, I'm busy with papers for work I have to write like three more."

"Oh that sucks, well how about we wait a few more days so then you can come with us, it's not the same without you." mentioned Bernie

When they left Amy went back to work. She knew she was going to have a long few days. About 30 minutes later Sheldon came in with new bought comic books.

"Hey what are you doing here I thought you would be with the others eating dinner?" Amy asked

"Yea, well I wanted to eat with you because you matter more to me."

They ate for a while then Amy went back to work even though it was 8 o'clock she still knew she had to work on her papers. Sheldon watched as Amy went back to her papers feeling so bad for her, because he never had to write papers to say how his work was going. He noticed that she was tired beyond belief.

"Are you sure you don't want to be done for the night?" Sheldon asked

"Yea I need to get as much done as I can"

"Okay well, I will just see what I need to work on for tomorrow."

"Well I'm not stopping you."

As Sheldon sat down he turned on his computer and he felt something fall on his shoulder. He saw Amy sleeping there, she looked so peaceful he couldn't come to his senses to wake her up, he also didn't want her sleeping on the couch he knew she would be sore in the morning so he picked her up bridal style and carried her to their bedroom and took her clothes off to put her pajamas on her and tucked her in bed then, he put his on pajamas and climbed into bed with her and put his arms around her, she then put her arms around him and hugged him like he was a teddy bear. He kissed her forehead and whispered,

"I love you, Amy I can't imagine a day without you, so soon I'm going to pop the question and I hope you say yes."

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