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Amy's pov

You know what I hate about my friends? They are in perfect relationships. The one that I am in well I don't know what it is. I will always get confused with what is going on in my relationship. Like when Raj said he was jealous of Lenard and Penny and Bernadette and Howard being in happy relationships because there is not much that goes on with me and Sheldon.

Sheldon's pov

Amy has seemed a bit distant lately I don't know why, it's kind of weird she never acts like this. It seemed to happen after Raj said that he was jealous of Lenard and Penny and Howard and Bernadette being in happy relationships. I can't stand this Amy is not like herself it really bothers me.

She finally decided to look at me usually she smiles but this time she didn't she just had a blank face so I just decided to smile at her.
"Oh say something Amy," I thought to myself.

I just decided to dive right in. "Amy are you okay"

"Yea I'm fine" she smiled for a few seconds then that smile went away. Dang I love her smile why did it have to go away?

"Okay if you say so, I have to go with the guys to the University I will be back in a while."


Wow this is weird. I'm actually not going to the university I knew if I told her that I had to go to the comic book store she would say I wouldn't need to. I knew since, I have an amazing memory, that Amy said she tells Penny everything so maybe she knows what's going on. She that's where I'm headed.

Amy's pov

He's gone, good. Now I need to get away from Sheldon a little bit. Raj was right Sheldon and I aren't in a happy relationship well it's not like we are in a very romantic relationship and I keep forcing it on Sheldon but it's not going to happen.

Sheldon's pov

Knock*knock*knock* Penny
Knock*knock*knock* Penny
Knock*knock*knock* Penny

"What's up Sheldon?"

"Nothing much but I have a question for you"

"Okay what is it?"

"Does Amy tell you pretty much everything?" I asked

"I would think so, no affense"

"How is that affensive?"

"Never mind, was that your question?"

"No, I was wondering if you know what's wrong with Amy?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well for the past few days she has seemed sort of distant"

"Oh, um well she told me that she has been drifting away from you"

"She's drifting away from me, why?" I started stepping toward Penny more while she would take some steps backwards.

"Oh um you see she uh... thinks that you and her will never be in any romantic relationship."

"What do you mean? We kiss, hug, and hold hands all the time."

"She also said she is tired of working out with all the romance in the relationship"

"That's so wrong" I said a little angered

"Okay sheldon tell me the last romantic thing you did for Amy?"

"I put her name on the board for fun with flags on Valentines day"

"Sweetie, that I don't think, is really romantic if Amy thought that was romantic she would of told me all about it."

"Oh, I have to go" I ran out the door and went back to my apartment and Amy wasn't there, I'm sure she was asleep since it was 10:00 pm. I went into the bedroom there she was but she wasn't asleep.

"Amy "

"Hey Sheldon, you don't look ready for bed"

"I just got home"

"Oh how is your project going?"

"Um about that I didn't go to the university well I did but, I went to go talk to Penny"

"Oh, what about"

"You wanting a more romantic relationship"

"Oh I know..."

"Let me finish Amy, I didn't know you wanted that, if you did you should have just told me because I am willing to go all out for you. In fact this weekend I am going to plan something and we are going to get out of Pasedina."

"Oh sounds fun, sorry that you had to find out through Penny"

"It's fine" I said and we hugged I went to go put on my pajamas and got into bed with her. I decided that we could go to San Diego and go to the beach, since I know Amy has wanted to go to the beach there for a long time and now we can. I'm looking forward to this and I hope she is too. I'm sure she will like it I will prove to her that I can be romantic and then she won't be so distant from me.

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