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It was indeed the designated location, an abandoned building at the edge of Dublin, but Mia and Dalziel were the only people there. Dalziel stood by his motorcycle, while Mia sat on the ground under her umbrella. Tall grass swayed gently in the wind, and the sky overhead was a brilliant blue, save for a single fluffy cloud that cast a brief shadow upon the ground.

Then, breaking the serenity with a sudden and unexpected entrance, a small spaceship appeared in front of them. Its metallic exterior gleamed in the sunlight, a stark juxtaposition against the rustic surroundings. The low hum of its engines reverberated through the air as the landing gear made contact with the earth. Out from it stepped Susan. Her dark, reflective sunglasses obscured her eyes as she grinned menacingly, holding a high-powered plasma gun.

"'Sup bitches. You can call me Susan," she declared, her voice dripping with an air of casual arrogance.

"My name is Devara," her brother added, following her out while armed with a smaller gun.

"Nobody cares," Susan retorted playfully. "I just need you both to sign a contract, and we'll be done here."

"You're running an illegal business," said Mia. "What good is a contract?"

"It's just a formality for record-keeping."

"So, you just need us to sign it? That's it?" Mia pressed, trying to understand the situation.

"Yes, and then your problems will be taken care of. For the right price, I can get you anything you want," Susan replied, her tone almost nonchalant.

"Even guns like yours?"

"Of course," Susan replied. "However, if we're being honest, they're mostly just for show. Unless you're in a confined, pressurized environment or a vacuum, a more traditional projectile gun will be more practical and efficient in almost any situation. Anyway, Dalziel, I've done some research on you. You have a cute little brother I'd really like to meet. Introduce me to him sometime."

Dalziel's jaw clenched at the mention of his family. "Not a chance," he replied, his protective instincts kicking in. "Now, to a more troubling issue. Assuming rumored government connections to Seraphim are true, we'll likely be fighting some of the very same people you're supplying weapons to."

Susan nodded, her demeanor serious for a moment. "I know. And I want you to crush them mercilessly. But until you totally defeat them, we're not going to stop selling to them. It's not like we really have a choice, though. Selling arms is Seraphim's business, and as long as there are people competing for power, we must bow to our evil corporate overlord. However, I do have hope this world can be fixed, and that motivates my own business. Still, if you fail, I can fall back on the arms business. If those in power fail, I have a better world to look forward to. Regardless of how things go, I win."

Dalziel remained skeptical. "If you're really wanting to change the world for the better, why not handle that yourself? You're more than capable."

Susan's smile faded slightly. "I want to make the world a better place, but if that means this world has to get a hell of a lot worse beforehand, that's fine by me. The truth is, most of this business we have no choice in. I just try to make the most of it."

Mia, still wary, pressed further, "What are you really after?"

"Believe it or not, I actually like this planet," Susan confessed, her tone surprisingly sincere.

"I can vouch for that," added Devara. "We really do believe that the two of you can do great things."

"You think we can change the world?" Mia asked, her doubt gradually giving way to curiosity.

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