Chapter 4

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Me and zayn were walking by each other. Going to Starbucks that was just a little ways from home. We weren't saying anything. I wasn't speaking because I didn't know what to say. I mean I haven't seen him in a while.... But then again it feels like I never quit seeing him. I kept seeing zayn glance at me. But I tried to ignore it.

"How have you been?" He says quietly.

" good. I've been busy. But that's normal for someone with a job" I reply.

He begins to laugh.

" I know what you mean. We just got off of tour... And when we were on tour it was just us always going. We never stopped. Never got a break. It sucked. But at least i was doing something I loved... At least that's what I told myself... " he says the last line under his breath. I look at him. And he looks at me. We both stop walking. I begin to search his eyes. Looking at him. Seeing how hard it has been for him. I reach out and touch Zayn's arm.

" when you were little that's all you talked about. You wanted to be a singer. And you are. Be happy. At least you got your dream." I say giving him and encouraging smile. I drop my arm and begin to walk again.

" you know it was your dream too...."

He says loudly. I held my breath and stopped for a second. But I quickly began to walk again. A little faster this time. He jogs to catch up to me.

" I quit it so I guess I didn't like it as much as you." I reply sharply.

" you quit because you felt lost D! Not because you didn't love it. You were so happy! You told me how much you love it everyday... Yet you quit all because you were scared. So don't try to tell those lies." He says quickly. He grabs my hand and begins to pull me across the street to a large flat complex.

" where are we going?" I ask. And try to pull my hand back but he only tighten his grip.

" I want you to meet some people." He says and pulls me into the elevator. He presses a button. I cross my arms over my chest when he let's go of my hand. The doors open and he walks out. I follow behind him. He comes up to a door and just walks in.

" what the hell zayn! You can't barge into people's homes!" I yell but this only causes him to laugh. I scowl and follow him in. I look around and realize how nice it is. Everything was perfect. All the furniture was beautiful to say at the least. Zayn walks over to the kitchen and gets a water for himself. He pulls another out of the fridge and throws it to me. I back away and let it drop to the floor.

" ehhh! What are you Doing?!" I look up with a frighten look on my face.

But then zayn and the guy break out into laughter. Only causing me scowl.

" what the fuck zayn. And who the hell are you?" I say. They both look at me and smile big.

" shouldn't i be asking you that question love? I mean you are in my home." He smile and holds out his hand. " I'm harry" he adds with a wink. I look at his hand. But don't shake it.

" zayn I'm leaving. I don't know why you think you can drag me everywhere you go. But I'm not a child anymore. It can't be like old times. You are engaged and.... It just can't. So leave me the fuck alone. I don't want to be apart of your life. Not anymore." I say with my voice slowly rising. I then look at harry and realize that more people have joined him. They all stare at me with confused faces. But the last one caught my attention. His eyes are red and puffy makeing it look like he has been crying. But that's not all. I know him. But I don't know where. But I'm snapped outta my thoughts when the blonde one clears his throat.

" umm. Anyone wanna tell me what's going on here?" He says. But I just throw a glare at him. He shrinks back a little. Zayn is then next one to speak up.

"Harry, niall, liam, and louis. I want you to meet the one and only Dakota."

I hear gasps around the room and everyone looks at me with wide eyes.

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