Chapter 5

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I look down at my shoes and blink back the sailty tears wanting to come. Why do I want to cry? I think to my self. I look back up and push past zayn and the boys. I make my way to the door but something, or someone grabs my hand forcing my stop.

I look at the blue green eyes. Making my anger slip away instantly."don't go."

" why?" the word slips out my voice ruff and you could tell I was on the verge of tears.

" just sit down and let zayn and us talk. You don't have to say anything. I promise" he smiles and holds out his hand. I brush some tears away from my face but then take it. His hand fits mine perfectly. Bringing a small smile to my face. I let him Guide me over to the couch. When we sit down the boys sit down too. Zayn looks at mine and Louis hands together and sighs.

" look Kota I didn't meAn that things had to go back the way they were. But we could be friends. You could be friends with the boys. You could talk to your family again. You know. I missed you. But can we try to at least be friends again.? Please..." he added a small, smile at the end.

I looked down at my feet then my hand still clasp together with the boy next to me.

"alright." I whispered hoarsely. " we can try again. But only as friends." I said louder this time. He got up and walked over to pull me into a hug. Making me let go of Louis's hand. I slowly wrapped my arms around zayn. I pulled away and smiled. I sat back down. My phone then rang loudly making everyone look my way. I looked at the screen my best friends name showing up. I answered it. ( E is Elle and D is Dakota)


E-where the fuck are you? The boss is going crazy!" I look at the time.

D- shit. I'm late again! Okay don't worry I'm on my way." I say standing up heading the kitchen to grab my purse,

E- don't bother d.... I hate to tell you this but he fired you." I stop dead in my tracks. Frozen

D- what? Your kidding right? That only my second time being late! He can't do that! My flat bill is do in a couple days! " I whisper, hopeing the boys won't hear me.

E- don't worry about that either. D. Your stressed. I've been paying for the last 4 months, and I can't do It anymore, I was going to tell you before work but you weren't home. But I'm moving back in with josh. Your on your own. But I gotta go." My mouth drops.

D- wait. Elle! Don't do that to me!____________" i yell. But the line went dead.

I begin to pace back and forth. My head getting the best of me. I'm gonna be homeless, with no job. Nothing. I'm gonna live on the streets and beg for food. You have got to be fucken kidding me. I stomp my foot and bang my hand on the island counter. A string of cuss words fly out of my mouth. I jump when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look at Louis. I open my mouth to talk but I only close it again as I begin to cry. Louis instantly wraps his arms around me. Making me snuggle my head into his chest while i wrap my hand into little balls holding onto his shirt. Making me feel warm. And safe.

When I finally calm down I pull away letting go of his shirt too. I quickly turn around not wanting him to see me.

" what happen...?" he asks and pulls me back around to face him.

" I lost my job.... I'm homeless, I don't have family I can go to. I'm lost. I'm just so lost..." I whisper out. He wraps me in his arms again. But this time I don't bury my head in his chest. I look behind him where the boys stand with there heads looking around the corner. I laugh while i cry and motion for them to come in.

Louis looks at me in the eye " you can stay here. The boys live just down the hall. Okay? And your apart of the one direction family now. So don't feel lost." He says. Everyone nods there head.

" yes!"

" welcome to the fam!"

" you gonna have fun!"

" I have a leash if you need one! You know so you don't feel lost..." I laugh at nialls comment.

" alright everyone to the movie room!" I laugh along with them. A real laugh. And i havent done that in a while. I walk with Louis. We sit on the couch together. I snuggle into him and he wraps and arm around me. The boys pick out a movie. The commercial start but my eye lids drop. And my eyes shut out the world and I fall asleep in Louis's arms. But not before I feel him kiss my head and whisper in my ear"I got you, good night Kota" I smile. And let sleep consume me.

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