Girl Talk

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A year changes People

3rd person.

Hera was extremely bored. Zeus was off flirting with women. So far he has Flirted with about 20 or so... Just Kissing and flirting. Ugh makes her mad at Zeus. Its not the Women's fault they don't know he is married. She would like to take it out on Zeus but alas she can't. Zeus haven't done anything for her in A Melnium. She wondered if things were like this for all married Olympians....well for their significant other. She had an idea. She walked over to the summoner thingy. She didn't pay attention when Athena added it. How hard could it be? Just summon a few married Goddess to have a chit chat with. Maybe Hephaestus.. She soon figured it out and called Amphrite and Persephone. The wives of the big three.

She telepathically asked Poseidon if Aphrodite could sit in his throne.

Hey Pos.


Do ya mind if Amphrite sits in your throne?

Uh why?

Because there is Nowhere for her to sit!

Ok then. thanks for asking.

She disconnected the mind link. And told Amph. That she could sit in Pos. Throne.

She gestured for Persephone to wait for a minute.

She connected herself to Zeus.


Oh hey honey...what's up?

Well I would like to know if Persephone could sit in your throne for a bit..



Because No.

Fine..ill ask Demeter.

She disconnected Zeus and Connected Demeter.


Hi. Why are you talking to me?

I need a favor...


Its for Persephone

Go on..

Could she possible sit in your throne while wer talking for about an hour or so?

Umm..I guess.


Hera gestured to Demeter's throne.

She sat. (A/N: bold will be Hera, Italics is Persephone, and Underlined is Amphrite)

So why are we here?

I would like to know also.

Chill will ya girls. I just wanna know how your Married life is...



Ok ill go first. I don't mind Cheating. But if be nice if he spent more time with me..but I love Trident. Percy.. He is ok..and so is Tyson. I wish he wouldn't have so many children though. Like Kim, She is mine but a problem child. I wish he would have children MORE with me because well we only have 3. And he has like 50! He doesn't help me much, but Trident helps me. Doesn't act like he owns me witch I'm grateful for. I wish he was more Loyal. Hera you should understand.

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