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In a society dictated by intellectual prowess and where status is determined by your level of brain function, Ardyn Danvers finds herself on her knees with a historically low percentage. With few choices and a dim future, Ardyn is resigned to joining the pariahs and the rest of the derelicts in the gutter.

But when an esoteric clinic of scientists develop a serum meant to increase tested brain function, they threaten to turn gentry on its head and heighten government control. Intending to level the populace, they had expected to bridge the gap between the undesirables at the foot of the pyramid to the elite standing at the pinnacle.

What they did not expect were the side effects.


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This is an unedited first draft. There will be mistakes and errors. Feel free to point them out and give feedback. As always, comments and votes are always appreciated.

Thank you for taking the time to read this novel, and we hope you enjoy.

Thank you for taking the time to read this novel, and we hope you enjoy

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