Chapter 56

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I inhaled sharply, but could only watch as Travis shot the gun and the bullet traveled to Walter, who immediately collapsed with an ear shattering scream that vibrated throughout the otherwise quiet room. My hands shook slightly as I processed the events that just happened, and I looked up at Travis.

His eyes were wide, and his face ashen white. "I-" His hands shook more than mine as he slowly sank to his knees, rubbing his temple. Blaise looked surprised just like me as we exchanged glances, but James just had a satisfied and knowing look on his face.

Blaise and I realized it at the same time, but I lunged first. "You-" I screamed. Hands wrapped around my body as they tried to pull me back. "You. You told Travis to kill Walter, didn't you?"

James did not even bother denying it, still standing with his arms crossed and a smirk decorating his facial features. "Fine, then. Ignore me."

"Stop." Blaise murmured quietly in my ear. "I do not like it when you eyes flash like that. It signifies the calm before a storm." He chucked quietly at the word 'calm'. He was wrong, this was not calm. No, not calm.

I balled up my fists as I stared at Dr. Ross's limp body. I had not liked him that much- at all-but I still did not want to go and end lives just like that. I honestly pitied Walter now, he acted so proud and like a leader but was actually cowardly and being pushed around to do other's biddings.

"It had to be done." James spoke, cutting the tense silence. "He needed to be ridded of."

"Why?" I persuaded. "Why did he have to be killed off?" James looked at me, his eyes holding a question. "I know, he was not the best person and had caused many deaths, but..."

"I agree with Ardyn." Blaise cut in. "I normally would have been happy if Walter, or if you prefer, Dr. Ross, if he was gone. I do not necessarily want him to die."

James shook his head, his expression now stoic. "Even if I wanted to, which I do not, this can not be reversed. He is gone." He looked at us. "Just accept it. I expected you all to be happy, since now you have one less threat on your hands. Besides, what is he to you anyways?"


"Do not act all justified." James rolled his eyes. "You all are not that innocent, either." He continued stammering. "Admit it, Ardyn. Admit it, Blaise. Admit it, all of you. Do not play the role of the 'good guy' and act like I am the 'bad guy'. There is no good and evil, really. It is not so black and white as that. Just grey."

"Fine." Blaise snapped. "Maybe we are not all innocent, but at least we try to administer justice."

James just yawned and waved a hand, uninterested with this conversation.

"Whatever. But I know you are secretly rejoicing." James said, planting that seed of doubt. Then he just looked at us and walked outside. I could dimly hear him shouting to the Afferent.

Travis walked up to me and laid a hand on my shoulder. "We need to continue judging for the competition." He said softly.

"That is what James is thinking about? Now? At this time?" I ranted slightly. "It is like as if he did not just tell you to kill someone." I said quietly, and I could feel Travis stiffen. "Sorry. It was not your fault. Did he threaten you or something?" I asked.

"Um, yeah, something like that." Travis replied, sounding uncomfortable. "Should we go outside and help James?" I nodded and we walked out, with Blaise tailing after us with an unreadable expression on his face. Kind of moody, angry, but also confused and sad.

James gave us a sideways look as we walked out, but otherwise ignored us, focusing his attention on the Afferent, and furiously scribbling notes. We followed his example and scored the Afferent on their skills. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time, hoping that another 'Clark' fiasco did not happen.

"Blaise is going to take over for my spot, I have something really quick to do." James whispered, and got up from his seat. A few minutes later, Travis excused himself to go to the bathroom, and though I suspected a connection, I did not comment. Maybe I was just overthinking.

I was really impressed with some of the Afferents' performances, and I gave many Afferent higher scores than James probably would have. His standards were different than mine, and though I did not approve of all of his methods, I did respect him.

He had authority, he was a leader. Now, that did not mean that he could boss us around and that we would listen, but he was a figure that most looked up to. He just had a different way to get what he wanted than what I would have normally tried, but I did admire his bravery to try things, and to get things done.

It was a quality I personally lacked. I quickly shook my head out of my thoughts and went back to scoring the Afferent. It was now afternoon, and about two hours of the competition. "Mhm." I groaned as I leaned back in my chair. "Last one!" I called with an upbeat tone to Blaise.

He scowled. "I do not like this scoring sheet." I laughed quietly and nodded. "But, yeah. The last one! Finally. I know why Travis literally hopped out of his seat after ten minutes. I would have done the exact same thing." Blaise stretched slightly and cracked his knuckles.

"All right, the last group, please come up!" I yelled, and I watched as two boys emerged in front of us. They started sparring, and I admit I paid less attention on this one, instead of the fight, I was imagining how my bed would feel right now.

Nevertheless, even in my dazed state, I could tell that these two boys were impressive. They had trained and worked hard, with good Afference. The two were pretty evenly matched, though, and I was interested in how that would turn out.

After another half hour with no indication of one winning, I decided to put my foot down and stop it. "Good job, boys. Unfortunately, we have to wrap this up and there is no clear winner yet, so you two will get the same high points." I concluded, and they left with grins on their faces.

"I am so glad that is over." Blaise commented, then turned towards the large stack of forms. I winced. "Woah."

"Yeah, woah." I echoed. "Let's take them in and then get dinner. And then, it is time for bed!" I exclaimed happily, and Blaise chuckled.

"Missing your bed already?"

"Yeah. I have been aching for it the whole day. I am just glad this is over." I said, and stuffed the papers into multiple, bulging folders. Then I sighed and carried them inside, placing them on the counter. "Okay, I think we are done."

"Finally!" Blaise grinned happily, and we strode down the hallway towards our respective rooms. As we walked, we could hear a slight murmur, like someone was whispering to someone else. We exchanged glances again and I stopped outside of the door where the noises seemed to be coming from.

It was Clark's room.

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