Chapter 44

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The building before us sat wide and white, low to the ground as if it had crouched down defensively. My city sat at its back, roads and tall buildings overpowering its simplistic architecture, and briefly I wondered how far away from home I truly was. With the small glimpse I had between the heads of the officials escorting is through the threshold, goosebumps rose across my skin.

"The clinic," I whispered to a restrained Blaise. "It is a clinic." It was not the same clinic that I had entered, the one where I had writhed on a metal table as my Efference set in, where I had killed a man. But it was similar enough to draw on those memories.

He growled lowly, but did not resist the hold of the officials as we stepped onto the asphalt leading up to the sterile looking building. "You did say that getting in would be easy."

I opened my mouth to respond, but instead gasped lowly as I glanced at to body length bags stacked on top of each other. "No," I whispered, turning my head to examine them as the officials directed me away. My feet stilled in protest, and yet they continued to drag them along further. "No, it can not be."

Blaise clenched his jaw and looked away as we passed, while I was still frozen by the sight. "Is it-?" I shuddered slightly, and he frowned.

"Quiet!" The official pushed my head powerfully to the side, and the room swam in front of my eyes. "No more talking."

Tears rose to my eyes as I looked up barely once more to see Blaise and his grim expression. He nodded once, firmly, and that was the only confirmation I needed to know that we had been too late, the Afferent had not gotten out alive. It was unlikely at this point that we would either.

"What do we do with this one?" The other official to my left asked aloud, kicking my foot. "They seem to be coming more frequently now."

"They are looking for something," the guard holding Blaise's right arm behind his back answered impatiently. "And they are desperate."

"We should take them to the boss, see what he want done with them." The first one said, starting to drag me along the hallway already, but then stopped as the other spoke.

"He will want them questioned and executed, just as the two before. Perhaps he will order some mild mutilation to send a message..." The other pondered. I swallowed loudly, suddenly finding it hard to breathe. Inhaling sharply I caught the attention of the official.

"In fact," he paused to make room for a sinister grin, "Do we even need to ask? We can have fun with this one." He took a step too close and I reared back in fear. I glared, but remained silent.

Blaise growled from behind him, however. "You can not touch her." He threatened.

"Oh," the official glanced between the two of us, and pulled my closer to his side, "What do we have here?" He asked in a mocking tone, tilted his head slightly.

Blaise lunged forward, only to be pushed violently to his knees with a loud resonating crack. "Do not-." He started, then fell forward, as the official behind him crack his head with the butt of his gun. With a groan, Blaise fell silent, slumping onto the floor.

"Stop it!" I choked out, struggling against the guards. "Stop it, now!" My anger grew and I felt the hints of energy gathering at the tips of my fingers, but it was not enough. "Leave him be! Leave him alone!"

They forced me to my knees, and turned me to face them as I fell back. "Fire," the official grinned once more, "This one has fire in her eyes."

The other leaned forward, glancing over to Blaise's slumped over body. "You will be fun." I spat in his face, and with an echo wing crack he slapped me across the cheek. I feel back from the blow, landing on my elbows and leaning back with my knees bent still behind me.

He raised his hand for another blow, and I turned my head away, eyes closed in preparation. The impact never came. "Still!" A familiar voice called. "Do not move." I looked to see a bewildered Dr. Ross looking upon our encounter, his eyes widened at my unbound mouth. "Gag her, you fool!" He pointed a shaky finger at me. "Gag her before she speaks again!"

The officials set into a flurry of motion and once again, my mouth was covered and my words restrained. "It is a miracle you have not fallen to her will yet!" Walter cried, "She is Efferent! Capable of killing you with a single syllable. Far too valuable for your games." He glared at the official still holding me, and glanced behind him to see Blaise on the floor.

"They are not to be harmed!" He rushed forward and checked Blaise's pulse. "He is of no value to our mission dead! How dare you, you ignorant fool! Do you know the extent of the risk you took?" Walter said, his eyes wild as he walked around in a frenzy.

"N-no, sir." The official stuttered.

"Then believe me," Walter advanced further, and although shorter and frail, his chilled gaze fixed the young soldier to cower in his presence. "You will." The official was silent in fear.

"Take them to the isolationist transition chamber," He glared at me, and my eyes narrowed. "Lock the chambers, and do not touch them. I will be in for questioning after I have a short conversation with the faculty, your boss to begin with."

They straightened their iron rod posture and nodded fervently, looking to come across as the ever obedient soldier. Even now, it was hard to imagine James ever reverting into that position. He did not seem like one to bend to the orders of a superior. No, it was more likely that he would have tried to negotiate them.

"Keep them quiet and separate," Walter added as he strode away. "I will return in an hour to begin the extraction process." He nodded to himself, smiling. "Have the doctors in the infirmary prepare the tools necessary."

"Extraction, sir?" An official asked.

"Yes, soldier." Walter answered. "Riots are breaking out at percentage tests and clinics everywhere. The serum is rare and hard to find, and the formula has been misplaced. Production needs to increase."

"Riots?" Another questioned.

"Riots. Protests, marches..." Walter trailed off. "Rebellion is brewing, gentlemen. And the only way to stop it is through Efference."

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