Chapter 1

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"Please sit still. The procedure will begin shortly." A mechanical voice vibrated out of the speakers of the pod I was in.

I gulped nervously and stared at the glass walls surrounding me. Despite being able to see out it still managed to make me feel claustrophobic. Gently pressing the pad of my finger against the pane, I looked outside. Many similar glass pods surrounded mine, and there were fifteen altogether, arranged in a circle.

"The Percentage Testing will begin now." The female automated voice spoke again. "Please relax and close your eyes. This will be over in precisely a minute, and it has been proven completely safe. Just relax." At those words, my body tensed up more.

The humming of the machine filled my ears, and I clasped my hands together, counting down the seconds. There was no pain, only the electrical static that filtered through my skull. "The Testing has finished. Ardyn Danvers, your Percentage is five."

I gasped and my eyes grew wide. I had never heard of a percentage that low. "No!" I yelled even though no one, nor the machinery could hear me. "No, no, no..."

"Ardyn Danvers, you may step out now. Leave to the door on your right, please. Have a good day." The machine buzzed one more time and then the pod doors swung open with a decompression of air. I gratefully jumped out of them, shivering as I recalled my Percentage.

A five. That was one of the lowest scores ever possible. Most people would at least get a ten.

The Percentages were calculated from the amount of your brain you use. The maximum is all of your brain, at one-hundred, but that was impossible. The highest ever was nineteen percent.

But five was just ridiculous. I did not think I would be that stupid. I am capable of arithmetic, and I do fine in my studies. What exactly was I missing? Or was I just delusional? I hardly even noticed that I had approached the end of the hall, where parents were awaiting their childrens' score. "Ardyn, honey, how are you?" My mom asked, draping a coat around me.

"I..." I muttered and a tear leaked out.

"Oh, honey, did... did you get a low Percentage?" Mom asked, and I nodded weakly. My parents had rather high Percentages, one with fifteen and the other with thirteen. And somehow I was a 5. "It is okay, this does not really mean anything... it is just a number, after all." She offered as much comfort as she could, but panic strained her voice. "Wh-what did you get?"

"A five!" I cried out. At hearing my number shouted so erratically, she covered my mouth, shushing me, and looked around. "A measly five." I whispered, lower.

"I-it is just a number." Mom's eyes were wide.

"It is a number that defines your future! It dictates what career you will have, the new path you will have to take!" I cried. "People with this Percentage do not have a good life. They are doomed to a low paying job, and lowest in the social hierachy."

Mom sighed. "It's all right, honey. Let's just go home." She muttered, urging me into the car as I sobbed. The rest of the car trip was spent in silence. I stared out of the window, staring at the different people we passed by.

A richly dressed lady, walking with an expensive purse on her arm and a feminine gait was most likely a fourteen or above. And that poor man living on the streets as a beggar? He was probably a seven.

Was that what my life would be? Is that what I would be reduced to? Lying on cardboard boxes under the shop windows, barely making ends meet? Or become one of the workers of dangerous jobs, such as miners or construction workers?

"Ardyn." My mom suddenly said, happiness and hope lacing her tone. I did not reply, too immersed in my thoughts. "Ardyn! Look!" She pointed at the announcement board which was placed, high above the square.

I squinted. For same day results to increase your percentage, you can depend on us! Scientists have perfected a formula which will boost your brain function! Anyone and everyone will be allowed to take this serum. Sign up today.

"Is... this real?" I gasped. Mom nodded at me, her eyes welling with tears too.

"You can get a higher Percentage, Ardyn!" She said excitedly and pulling out her phone and typed in something. I stared back up at the announcement board, the one that government officials used to broadcast something to us. Every city and town had one of these.

Mom turned to me, handing me her phone. "Sign up, Ardyn. It is guaranteed for a higher Percentage. Many government officials have already tested it, and it works!" She smiled at me, and then parked the car into our garage.

I excitedly filled out the form. I did not believe that this was possible. I was not sure how a serum could boost brain usage, but since it worked, I would definitely try it.


"Is there an Ardyn Danvers here?" An official asked, holding a plastic clipboard in his hands. He stared into the house, and I ran down the stairs.

"Yes!" I yelled, running to the front door. The official smiled at me.

"Are you ready to have a higher percentage?" I nodded happily, and he smiled. "Okay, then, Ardyn. Please step into the bus. We will arrive at the clinic shortly after a few more pick-ups. Sit wherever you would like."

I sat on the chair and looked out of the windows again, staring at the clinic. In just a few minutes, I would become smarter. I would have a higher Percentage. My whole life would turn out better.

"We are here. Please bring everything with you and head in. There will be your name on a card in the middle of your bed. Please lie down, and then we will proceed with the serum. It will be painful, but side- effects will only last a day."

"Side effects? What side effects? They did not mention any side effects on your advertisement?" I sat up quickly, but he raised his hands into a defensive position, as if calming a wild gelding.

He paused. "The pain will be worth it, I promise."

I laid down. Soon after, a nurse came with a white box in her left and a syringe in her right gloved hand. "Lay down and stay calm. The pain is not that bad, really, so do not worry. Besides, you will have a higher percentage after!"

I nodded. She inserted the needle into my forearm, pressing the syringe and injecting the golden liquid it into my veins. Almost immediately, my body was subjected to pain. I moaned slightly, but the nurse had already left. "Ow. Ahhmnh." I buried my face into my pillow.

A sharp pain blossomed in my chest, spreading down to my abdomen. My head grew fuzzy, and the room swam before my eyes. I could not help it, I let out a scream, and people immediately appeared by my side. I screamed again, and it richoted off the walls.

"Why is she screaming? The procedure should not hurt this much." I heard a hushed voice. It was true. Only my pained shouts rang in the room, the other patients were sleeping, but just shaking slightly. "Look, she is fully conscious."

My hands shook as figures appeared and disappeared. I shook my head wildly, trying to get rid of them. I did not want to become delusional. "Shh, shh." A nurse soothed, but the minute she touched my arm pain flew through my body.

"Ah!" It was my loudest scream yet, and I fell down onto the ground. Spirals and dots flew before my eyes, but my eyelids finally closed.

 Spirals and dots flew before my eyes, but my eyelids finally closed

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