Chapter 28

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With as well rested as we were from the previous night, our newly acquired energy buzzed around us, increasing exponentially as our apprehension rose. The night sweltered in a haze, the fire which provided light and protection flickering with the added pressure, the smoke hanging low in drawled curls.

But despite the mugginess that promoted fatigue and the heat that weighed down each step, when dawn broke out across the sky, we broke out into a flurry of motion, preparing for a quick departure. "Are we ready to move?" Travis called over his shoulder, already sauntering away from our campground. "We do not have time to waste."

"We are not wasting time. We are being methodical." Amelia offered as a retort, packing up the limited supplies we had left.

"Regardless," Travis spoke, "I want to get out of this forest and as far away from the facility as soon as humanly possible." We nodded, agreeing, and went on our way.

The trek was arduous. Brambles caught at our feet, and the heat only increased through the day, as we got closer to the facility. The trees grew sparsely and far in between, our surroundings growing rockier as we moved inland. Gradually our path grew up hill as well.

"How much farther?" Amelia called from the back of our group, Blaise closely standing alongside her. She sounded breathless, and I glanced back at her reddened face as she wheezed and tried to catch up.

"Soon," I called back, answering it between my own heavy breaths. "We should be able to see it above the next rise."

"Are you su-." Clark's speech broke off, as he reached the pinnacle of the hill, and we surveyed the mountainous region that lay before us. There, on the next crest, nestled amongst the small boulders and large, craggy rock faces, was a white building with white tiling and mirrored windows. The sunlight broke across it's surface, reflecting it back into our eyes, and I raised my hand to shade them, to get a better look.

"There," I offered lowly, "There it is."

"And here we stop," Clark added, looking about. "The limited shelter we had ends here, once we pass the summit. We will be vulnerable until we reach their doors."

"What is the plan?" Blaise asked, rolling his neck to the side, brow furrowed and fists clenched as he gazed as the facility.

"Simple," I looked around, meeting each of their gazes, "I go in, locate the formulation for the serum, and return here, while you remain hidden."

"How do you think that that is a solid plan?" Clark spoke incredulously, "You must know that there is no way that I am simply allowing you to waltz in there by yourself, Arydn. I have a hard time believing that any of us would."

"Hard time of not, I am faster than all of you, and it diminishes the risk of losing someone along the way. You," I jerked my head to the clustered group, "Remain here."

"You are powerless," Amelia trailed a finger down my arms, and my breath caught in my chest as I saw her eyes widen, "You are afraid. Doubtful. You do not think you will make it back."

"I rather it be me than any one of you." I glanced over my shoulder to the awaiting white-bricked building. The sense of sterility seeped out of its very mortar.

"I will take you." Clark offered, rubbing his hands together in tight circles. "We will go in together." He said, linking our arms together as he stood firmly with a note of finality.

"And I will be there when he can no longer stand on his own two feet." Travis added, crossing his arms and spreading his step wider. "Blaise and Amelia?" He turned to face them and they nodded in unison.

"We will not be left behind." Blaise stated firmly, jaw tensed. "We have been fooled once already. We will not let it happen again."

I sighed, relinquishing my anxiety into the air by the means of a forceful exhale. "We will stagger our departure. I will lead and be the last out. Clark, Travis, then followed by you and Amelia." I directed them. "In and out. No mess allowed, understood? Refrain from any..." I trailed off, staring into Travis' eyes, "Contact."

"I will not kill anyone who does not get in our way." He grit out, rolling his eyes, as though my asking for him to spare needless bloodshed was too much. I sighed, hugging myself and looking at the ground as I gathered my thoughts.

"You will not kill anyone at all." I decided and spoke firmly, driving my point across. "You will subdue them, and if possible in any singular encounter, you will question them about the Afferent and Katherine's whereabouts." I stared at him, his gaze meeting mine.

"Fine." Travis offered shortly, face stern. I turned to face the mountain once again from the shelter of the trees, toeing the edge of the many shadows covering us as I examined the rock face and the facility upon it. Silently, I drew a path along the exposed valley to the clinic above us.

Watching for any oncoming guards, I abruptly ran down the slope, tumbling into the valley between the two hills, the doors coming closer into view. Footsteps echoed closer behind me, signaling Clark's departure, and I climbed the steep crest, pinning myself against the white brick wall and looking around the corner as Clark, Amelia and Blaise followed suit.

Breathing heavily, I leaned against the wall and pushed off once more, curving around to the glass doors, careful not to bang them against the doorframe.

"This feels..." Amelia trailed off.

"Wrong." Blaise said, finishing her statement for her.

"Deserted." Travis clarified.

"Shouldn't we have seen some form of guards surveying the premises?" Clark inquired. I caught my breath, looking about, trying to discern any of the guards we had thought we would have to fight through, but there were none.

The building looked empty. Vulnerable. I looked up, casually grazing the walls with my gaze, until I clutched at my chest with a fearful expression. I felt my eyes go wide, and my height shrink. "My god," I whispered, unable to look away. "They know."

"Know?" Clark asked, "Know what? Who knows what?" But slowly, his gaze was drawn to it too, the small red dial in the corner blinking red as it watched us. I edged my arm up, raising it high and pointing in a crisp line to what captured my thoughts.

"The facility knows we are here." I whispered, pointing at the camera.

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