Chapter 11: Dad?

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*Third POV*

   The room was suddenly cold, as if the 5 of them were shoved into a freezer. It was pitch black and each one of them was unconscious. That was until lights flickered on. They were no longer in the motel, they were somewhere far, far, away from that.

    "Dean?" A voice said, causing Dean to be the first one to awaken. "Dad?" Dean asked as he tried to get himself out of the pile of unconscious people.

   The owner of the voice walked towards the pile of people and helped Dean out. "Dad.." a soft sigh escaped Dean's lips. "Where are we?" He asked. John looked around the room and then looked at each corner.

"Heaven... I think"

   John told his son. Dean had shock spread into his features "Why?" He asked, causing John to shrug. The sounds caused Sam to be the next one to wake up. He was on the top of the pile so he could swiftly move. He looked around the room, immediately noticing Dean.

   He then looked at the Man beside Dean, anger and sadness flood through Sam as he looked at his Dad. "Dad?" He asked, John looked at Sam "Sam.." He said, there was so much regret and pain on his face and in his eyes.

"I'm sorry."

   Those were the words Sam was longing to hear. Those were the words that Sam knew he needed to say to his Dad in return.

"I'm sorry too."

   He said and the moment John shifted his arms an inch, Sam was already hugging his Dad. Dean watched with a small smile of relief. He knew Sam needed this, he knew his Dad needed this. Hell, he even needed this.

   The next to awaken was Cass, the angel looked around and suddenly his guard that Sam and Dean hadn't seen for years returned. He picked up Y/n and held them close against him. He then noticed Dean, Sam, and John. "Dean." He said

   Dean sighed "Where the hell are we, Cass?" The swear got Dean a smack to the forehead from his dear old brother. Castiel frowned "Heaven's Jail. We are here for two reasons, the Nephilim and Lucifer." He bluntly explained. John leant over to Dean "Is he..." Dean nodded "An angel? Yes." He answered his Dad.

   In which, in return, John gave Castiel a weary look. "Didn't know you existed." Castiel smiled softly "Well, now you do." He said and then there was a shuffling on the ground.

   Up rose Lucifer, who looked around the room and seemed furious. "Where the hell are they?" He snapped and Cass sighed "Calm down, brother." He said, although, he himself was ready to murder every single angel in heaven.

   Suddenly there was a quiet moan

*1st POV*

    "The lights are too bright." I said, my voice dry as I needed water. All the attention was on me as Cass set me onto the ground, but still had a protective grip on my shoulder. "Are you okay, Y/n?" Mr. Duck Face asked me. "I'm okay, De." I answered, rubbing my eyes and yawning slightly.

    Sammy looked at the Man beside him "This kid is part angel, they're the child of Gabriel." He explained and I nodded "I'm Y/n! What's your name?" I asked. "My name is John. John Winchester. I am Sam and Dean's Daddy." He answered, crouching down to my height as I shuffled over to him "Cool!! I still haven't met my daddy." I said, not really understanding how sad that actually was.

John nodded and ruffled up my hair "if you want to you can call John or Mister. John. Whatever you want, kid." He said and I nodded "I like Mister John. You are very nice Mister John." I said, smiling widely at him and he stood up "Thanks, kid. You're cute." He said and I smiled "I get it from my mommy." I said and started to ruffle through my pocket I pulled out a photo I had tucked away in it and showed it to John. It was a photo of my real mommy and daddy. "Gotta say, your mom is cute." Dean said, a weird look on his face. "Whatever you say Mr. Duck Face." I teased him when there was a sudden creak of doors.

"Hello, Castiel."

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