Chapter 27: The Resurrection

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Michael looked at the three who had just entered the room. Due to his weak state, he hadn't been able to heal Bear. Who was slowly but surely bleeding out on the floor. He returned to his previous position of preventing Bear from bleeding.
"Yes, I'm michael. Yes, adam is alive in here. Yes, he has been treated well. No, I am not going to explain what the hell happened in hell." He looked at the boys, now noticing a young blonde who had been peering out from behind the two. He was short, well, not that short. He noticed a slight familiarity within the boy, confusion crossing his features.
"Come, boy." he gestured to the blonde, who nervously stepped forward. His piercing green eyes stared down at Michael.
"Help me with her wound." The archangel practically commanded the boy, who obviously obliged. Hunter damn well knew he wasn't going to mess with Michael of all people. As Hunter and Michael assisted the bleeding out Bear, Sam and Dean stood off to the side.
"I never thought this was possible, Sammy," Dean muttered to his younger brother, watching the three with an untrusting look. Sam just shook his head, his magestic locks moving from side to side.
"Whatever the hell happened doesn't matter. We need to help this girl." he responded to his brother, walking over to the three and kneeling down. Dean stayed in place for a split second before following after Sam.
"I'll get the supplies." He said softly before walking off towards the kitchen. And by supplies he meant Booze and a sewing kit. Michael had observed Bear for any other wounds, grateful that she was still somehow alive from the stabbing.
"Tell me." He shifted his look from Bear to Hunter.
"What's your background?" he asked Hunter, cocking an eyebrow. This caused Hunter to shoot at glare at Michael.
"What's it to you?" he shot at the archangel, not even caring at this point that this man before him was well... An archangel.
"Well, i had a son a long time ago who would be of the same age as you... if he were to live. And you do have supernatural powers." He explained himself, causing Hunter to snort softly.
"Yeah, sure." he chuckled, shaking his head.
"My dad was a dickwad who left my mom for nothing. No note, just a fucking feather." He flushed a bit, his face going completely red. He applied a little bit too much pressure, causing Bear to groan in pain. Sam sensed the upcoming tension, letting out a soft sigh
"How about we talk about this when there isnt someone bleeding out on my floor." He took authority of the situation but Michael just didn't give a shit. He never liked obeying humans. that was the similarity between himself and Lucifer. They both didn't like humans but Michael decided to keep his opinion to himself. Like a smart person does. The sounds of Bear's pain filled grunts brought Michael back to reality.
"How long has she been like this?" Dean asked as he reentered the room. Sam had gotten up from his kneeling position, taking the supplies from his older brother. Michael looked down at Bear, frowning a bit.
"A demon who goes by the name of Alastair had used her as a vessel. Which prevents her from all bodily functions. So I would say she was possibly in this state for a few minutes." He explained to the two as Sam returned to his previous position. Hunter shifted so that Sam had a more accessible way of reaching Bear's wound, causing the moose to nod at him in appreciation.
"So she is going to die." Dean said bluntly, causing the three men helping the girl to glare at him as she just laughed softly.
"You can put it that way." Bear smiled softly, looking at the ceiling with a pained expression as Sam began pour alcohol onto her.
"Just don't, Goldilocks. Like pretty boy said, I'm not going to make it. You shouldn't waste your supplies on me." she murmured softly, the metallic taste of blood beginning to pool in her mouth.
"Not on my watch." a male voice echoed through the room as the same man and two others approached the bleeding girl. He knelt down beside her, resting a gentle hand overtop of her wound and healing her. Dean's eyes widened as he recognised who this man was.
"Jack..." Sam breathed out, seeing how grown up he was. Castiel had been behind Jack, shielding Y/N from the visibly gruesome scene. Well, just until all of the blood had been gone. Once Bear was healed and Hunter made the blood disappear, Castiel let Y/N see everyone. Their eyes widened once they saw Sam and Dean, immediately sprinting to the youngest winchester and pulling him into a tight hug. Sam laughed softly, a relieved look crossing his features as he reciprocated their hug.
"You had Dean and I worried sick, N/N." Sam muttered to the young child, kissing the top of their head. Y/N just laughed softly as they hugged Sam.
"I'm home now!" they exclaimed "And I'm eight years old!" they grinned a cheeky grin as Dean stayed silent and way from the two. He shifted his gaze, watching Castiel kneel down beside Bear.
"You should have told me." He said in a more sympathetic tone, putting a gentle hand onto her chest and healing her soul. Saving her from the enternal damnation Alastair had planned. Bear nodded softly, guilt crossing her features.
"I.. I was just scared." she admitted, looking at Cass. Who just smiled softly and nodded
"As most humans are. But you don't have to be afraid around me. You can trust me, Bear." He smiled kindly, helping Bear rise to her feet. The girl maintained a steady grip on the angel's shoulder. She smiled soflty at Michael, pulling him into a hug.
"Thank you. For saving me.." she whispered to him, but he just shook his head and awkwardly returned the hug.
"Anytime, Christiana." Michael smiled softly at her before the girl froze. A soft blush flooded her features before Castiel smiled a little bit more.
"Christiana is a lovely name." He muttered to the girl he was helping. "Let me bring you to my room so I'll be able to keep a close eye on your wounds." He told the girl softly, who nodded as they walked away. Dean smirked a bit as he watched Cass bring the girl to his room. He chuckled and shook his head
"Always the weird ones." he muttered to himself as he felt someone crash into him. Looking down, he saw Y/N pulling him into a close hug.
"Dean!" Y/N exclaimed, looking up at him with a cute grin. This caused guilt to completely flood Dean's features, he didn't expect them to do this. But deciding to do what he always does, he knelt down to Y/N's height, a caring smile crossing his features as he ruffled Their hair.
"Hey, Kid.. look, i should apologise about what happened in the-" He was soon cut off by Y/N slamming their small hand onto his lips. He was confused as he looked at the grinning child.
"Shut up, Mister Grumpy Face. You made me sad but now everyone i love is here! So thank you for making me run away!" They exclaimed, pulling Dean into another tight hug. All of this confused the eldest Winchester but he decided to say nothing. I mean, why would he? It's not like he can question the 7- The 8 year old that was in his arms. Hell, they were 8 years old. Dean noticed as Jack had begun to approach Michael, a soft frown crossing his features.

"So.. Are you anything like... Evil Michael?"


Not only has Michael been resurrected, so has this book ;)

Okay So!!!!!!

I'm officially back from the dead (like every Winchester)

Can you believe it?

Uhhhh i really have nothing fun to say except that highschool sux and exams s u c c. Y'know?

Aight peace y'all.

wAIT I have another thing.

I actually have a new subplot idea, so thank chuck about that. And it's all worked out so that's really great unlike before where i'd wing it. I'm currently putting action to it now that everyone is reunited.

Also congratulations on being 8 years old! You deserve it.

Shall next chapter be soft and a cute birthday celebration or should i start making my way through the beginning of the subplot?

Question: What grade are you in?

Answer: 10!!!

Supernatural x child readerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu