Chapter 24: Black..?

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Bear tapped her fingers anxiously as she awaited for something to happen. Until she heard "Castiel." Looking to her right, she saw him. The man who took her mother. "Alastair." A throaty growl came from the angel next to her. "You're supposed to be dead." The angel snarled. Alastair laughed malicioisly and looked at Bear, dead in the face. "Oh, hello darling." He smirked and sat beside her. "Lil miss Jones." He said. "Oh how i loved wearing you as a meatsuit." He muttered to her, and leaned towards her.

Castiel watched their encounter with shock and rage written all over his features. He didn't understand why Bear would leave this out. He pulled out his angel blade and gripped it tight. "Stay. Away. From. Her." He snarled. Alastair looked at Castiel and smirked. "I don't think you realise, this girl here is mine." He said. "If you haven't noticed already, there's a marking on her soul. It's yellow, and has a little black there." His smirk grew larger. "If that black were to enlarge, taking over her entire soul.. Well, she'd become a demon." His voice was filled with Malice. "So, she does what pleases me.. And i make the black smaller. The things that she's done.. Ho-ho! You wouldn't believe it!" He started to get louder as Bear looked down at her hands. Fidgiting in her seat and clenching her hands.

Castiel's eyes widened slightly, this wasn't something he had been expecting. "You thought this was a good idea, keeping it from an angel?" He asked Bear. "I could have purified you this entire time we were sitting together." Bear looked up, wide eyed and lip quivering. "You don't understand!" She snapped at him. "You don't understand what it's like, being controlled by something! The things it tells you!" She shouted. "The things He told me!" She looked at Alastair. "Oh shut your whining." Alastair said and rolled his eyes. "I'm going to take what's rightfully mine." He smirked as Castiel then stood up. "No." He said, moving to set a hand on Alatair's head..

Black emited from the vessel and flooded into the one beside him. The girl, the innocent and anxious filled girl who has went through so much that she couldn't even sleep at night. The pink haired girl who Castiel had reluctantly been so rude to. The girl whom he had been unknowingly falling for.


Jack ran into the diner, watching the events occur infront of him. "No!" He shouted, watching Alastair possess Bear. He watched Alastair rise up from the booth, he watched Castiel's angel blade clatter to the ground. He watched Alastair take a blade that was near him, one that wouldn't kill him, but could fatally wound his vessel. He watched Alastair cut his vessel open, as if she were a gift. He watched the blood drip down from the girl. He then watched him teleport away, taking the only family he truly had left with him. Jack collapsed to his knees, his eyes watering as he looked down to the ground. "No.." He muttered, his voice cracking as tears started to stream down his face.

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