Chapter 3-Kiley

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**(Kayden's POV)**
I snap my head in the direction of that heavenly scent, Coffee and Freshly cut grass. I stand up straight and follow the scent.
I push through the crowds of males practically devouring the females faces.
I finally find the source of the scent.
I stare back at a beautiful girl, probably 18. She has pitch black hair and goregous green eyes. Shes starring at me, mouth slightly open.
'MATE!!!' My wolf Damien screams at me.
I take a step forward and she stays still.
"Hi." I say awkwardly.
She giggles and I swear my heart just jumped to my throat the moment that sound left her gorgeous lips.

"Hi." She replies with a smile that could outshine the sun.

"I'm Kayden. You are?" I ask.

"Kiley." She replies.

I swear I died the moment I heard that beautiful name.

"Do you wanna.. Go for a walk?" I ask nervously.

"Yeah." She says. We then walk outside to go for a walk. Oh I hope I don't screw this up.
**(Blaire's POV)**
I'm standing in a feild. I see a young girl, around 15. She is walking with her friends across the feild. I can't move. I'm frozen to the spot.
I watch as she is suddenly pushed into the lake towards the edge of the feild. Her 'friends' then push her head underwater. I see her tiny form struggle to get up, to breathe. I try to run towards her, to help her. But no matter how hard I try I can't get to her. The 'friends' then pull her back up. They then proceed to kick the girl. She curls into a ball on the ground. The 'friends' continue to beat her. I still can't move. The 'friends' eventually leave. Leaving the broken girl on the ground in pain. Finally I can move. I run to the girl and move the hair from her face. I recognize her immediately. There, laying on the ground, is me.

I shoot up. I'm breathing heavily. It was just a dream. But it wasn't. I remember that day well. Eventually Kayden found me. He had sent the pack into a frenzy.  That's one reason he is so protective of me. That wasn't the first or last time it happened, even with Kayden's protection.
I finally gather myself and run my fingers through my hair. My breathing calmed down. Then, I smelt it. Violets and the woods. I look around me. Trying to gather my thoughts. I'veheard of this before. Your mate. You smell them. Your wolf won't get possesive until you lock eyes. I need to go. I need, to run.
**(Kiley's POV)**
We've talked a lot, me and Kayden. I like him already. We went to Starbucks and we've been discussing books for the past hour. He loves Harry Potter. I love it too. Im really glad he's like me. He's a Gryffindor. I'm a Ravenclaw. But at least he's not a Slythern. His favorite food is pizza. I'm really excited to get to know him better.

"What about Percy Jackson? Do you like that series?" He asks sipping his french vanilla coffee.

"Yes! Percy is the best!" I squeal.

He laughs, sending shivers down my spine. "Really? I like Grover best." He says.
Fitting, he seems a lot like Grover but a lot sexier. Wait....... I did not just think that.

'Haha, Our mate is sexy as all get out though...' My wolf Alice snickers.

'Oh, Shut up you horny wolf' I snap at her. It's going to be a long night.......
Ok. So that was more of a filler. I'm sick at the moment so this sucked to write. But I should be better tomorrow. What do you think about Kiley? I based her off my friend Vanity actually. Shes havin a rough time right now and is on my mind. So please if you haven't already check out Broken it makes her day to see the reads. Bye~
Also, this is unedited.

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