Chapter 14- Return Home

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We stayed in silence as we wait for Dakota. I explained more to Kayden about Dakota while never moving my gaze from Dakota.
My wolf whimpers when I refuse to look let alone touch our mate, but he had this coming.
I love Dakota. He's the one reason I didn't kill myself after Thea went missing. It's hard to imagine 14 year old Thea, away from me. We were inseparable. We would fool people. Like one time she wanted to go to a party but had detention. So I took her place. The only difference was our personalities and birthmarks. I was bubbly and flirtatious (before she died of course) while She would keep to herself and she was brilliant while I would just get A's and B's she would get 100's on everything. I would cheat off of her all the time. As for our birthmarks. Her's was a little sun behind her ear while mines a cresent moon. They looked like tattoos. I don't show mine anymore. I never showed anyone but her and Dakota.
Dakota knows I don't like to talk about her but still thinks she's out there. I wish I knew where.
Dakota thinks I should let my hair go back to my blonde and stop wearing my contacts but I wouldn't be able to look at myself.

"Blaire?" I hear Dakota ask. I hadn't notice him wake up. He was sitting up looking at me worriedly.
I hug him. I hear Liam growl and Dakota try to pull away but I just growl back. I move and sit on his lap still hugging him.

"Never touch my brothers Liam, and Never growl at me." I snap glaring at him.

"Blaire, we're going home. Now." He snaps.

"With Dakota." I add.

"He'll stay at the pack house."

"No he won't. Unless you really want to sleep in that house alone tonight." I growl.

"You are coming home with me. You are sleeping with me. You will not disobey me!" He snarls.

I flinch at his tone but don't back down. "Dakota will stay in the guest room." I state.

"Fine, but you are sleeping with me." He counters.

I think it over. It physically hurt being away from him, but I don't trust that he won't hurt Dakota again. Although if I'm with him, he can't hurt him.

"Blaire, you are still his mate. Sleep with him, I'll be fine." Dakota urged.

"Fine." I give in.

We get up and leave. Kayden and Dakota sit in the back of the car while me and Liam sit in front. Liam drives with one hand on the steering wheel and the other on the armrest. His hand twitched and he reached for my hand. I smacked it away and he growled.

"Don't touch me asshole." I growl back.

"I have every right to touch what's mine." He growls and puts both hands on the wheel, his knuckles turning white.

I turn my head and watch out the window until we come back to his house.
We get to the house and I get out turning to get Dakota as he gets out and grab his hand. I hear Liam growl but ignore it. I drag Dakota to the door and go in.

"Blaire, our room. Now." Liam demands and I look at Dakota, he nods, crap, I go upstairs and into his room.
Liam walks in and I go to say something when he cuts me off when his lips meet mine. I push him roughly back and yell.

"What the absolute fuck?! You nearly kill my brother, make me talk about my twin, yell at me, and fucking expect me to fucking kiss you!" I yell.

"Well if you would've told me about them, or where you were maybe I wouldn't have reacted that way!" He yells back at me.

"Last time I told someone they started to beat me!" I scream at him.

He looks shocked and his face changes from a look of anger to a face full of regret.

"Blaire, I'm sorry, I didn't know." He says truthfully.

I hug him. I'm still mad but need his comfort. So many things I'd pushed to the pack of my mind had been resurfaced. I sigh and dig my face into his chest eager to find comfort in his scent.

"I missed you. I was ready to kill someone." He mumbles into my neck.

"I missed you too" I whisper slowly drifting off into an anything but peaceful sleep.


Sorry I haven't updated. Serious writers block. Anyway next chapter should be better. I'm now gonna start updating once a week. Bye~

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