Chapter 18- I Found Her

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I awoke suddenly shooting up and looking around. It didn't happen, I tell myself.
Liam is no where to be found and I feel sick.
I run out of the house in his t-shirt and a jacket along with white flats not even caring I didn't have pants on.
I ran to his office and burst through the doors. I quickly scanned the room when my eyes landed on him looking startled at his desk. I launch myself at him and hide my face in the crock of his neck sniffling.

"Honey what's wrong? Who hurt you?" He asked.

I sniffle and respond.
"I'm sorry if I'm not good enough for you just please don't reject me. "

He rubs my blonde hair gently attempting to calm me.

"What on earth are you talking about?" He asks me.

I sniffle shaking my head.
"A dream. It was so real."

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to wake you up you just looked so peaceful." He explains softly as I start to calm.

"It's ok I just.....I was scared...." I trail off.

He hugs me close to him whispering sweet nothing's into my ear telling me its ok.
After a while of this I start to wonder on the rest of the dream.
It was true, Dakota found his mate. She was a runt.
But Liam wasn't distant. If anything he's been around me more.
And then...


I suddenly stand getting out of Liams arms I run straight out of our territory. I can hear Liam behind me in wolf form as I shift. I have to go see her.

I quickly make it to the creek in my dream. I scan around looking for signs of her lifeless body.

I find none.

I slow to a stop as Liam mind links me.

"What are you doing? We are back on your brothers territory?" He asks confused.

"In my dream....she was here. Why isn't she here?!" I ask panicked.

"It was a dream it wasn't real." He reasons.

"IT HAS TO BE! I SAW HER! SHE WAS HERE!" I yell panting lightly.

"Calm down. You are starting to breathe unevenly. Take a deep breath." He says in a calm voice.

"SHE HAS TO BE HERE!" I yell into the link before releasing a loud howl. It was filled with desperation, anger, and longing do the sister I've lost for so long.

What we didn't expect, was a howl back.

My head snapped up at the sound as I quickly race in that direction. Limbs of the trees smack against my face as I run towards the howl. It sounded mournful and filled with sorrow. I run as fast as possible to get to the wolf. I've heard that powerful howl before. I know that wolf.
My paws slam against the wooded floor as I try to clear my mind and focus on that howl. I sniff the air and smell nothing. Not a bear. Nor wolf. Not even a squirrel.  I continue running letting out another howl.
I hear it again. Closer and to the left. I quickly turn and speed towards that direction.

I almost pass the injured wolf.


I smell the blood as I almost run right by.
But the blood doesn't effect me. It's the fur coat on that she-wolf.

All black with white feet, white tip of her tail, and white tipped ears.


I run to her as her eyes go wide but then flutter closed.

I quickly shift not caring that I am naked. I run to her wolf and hug it.
Her wolf always was soft. But this time hugging her wolf made me feel complete. Made me feel like everything's okay. That I'm going to be okay.
Thea shifts back in her sleep and Liams wolf eyes widen. He knows.

He comes toward me licking my cheek. He nudges her with his nose and points his nose to his back.
I get the point and lift her into his back.

She's too light.

She was maybe 100 lbs. That's extremely unhealthy.
Werewolves have more muscle then humans making us weigh more than average. And 100lbs. at 18 years old for humans is unhealthy.

She shifts toward me as she sleeps. I shift and Liam slides her onto my back. He shifts and grabs a blanket from a nearby cubby hole in a tree for those who shifted through their clothes.  He lays the blanket over her and my back and shifts as we slowly start the walk home as to not wake her up.

"Congratulations. You found her." Liam says through our link. 

"We found eachother..." I say with a hint of nostalgia.

He just gives me a wolfish grin and we walk the rest of the way home in comfortable silence.

I found her..

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