Chapter 15- Nightmares

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[Suicide and rape warning. I will put *** before both. You can skip either. Please do not hate me.]

"THEA! THEA WHERE ARE YOU!" I scream as I run through the woods. It's been 6 days, 7 hours, and 5 minutes, since she went missing and I still have yet to return home. I have to find her.

Everything blurs and the memory gets worse.

*******Suicide warning*******

I hiss as I cut my wrists. I shakily cut another line wishing for all the pain to go away I can't take it anymore. It's been a year now, since she left me. I miss her everyday. Looking in the mirror is torture because all I see is her. I cut another line after my wolf heals the others. I shakily slide down the wall to the floor. I cry, from the pain, both mental and physical. All I have left is Dakota....
*******Suicide over*******

It all blurs once more and I'm thrown into a farmiliar alleyway.

********Rape warning********

I look up to see the creepy face of my attacker. I don't recognize him.
"What's a pretty little girl like you doing all alone?" He runs a hand up my thigh as he holds my wrists above my head. "So vulnerable and weak...." He trails off and kisses down my neck and I try to scream but he put a rag in my mouth.
He grabs my lower regoin and I let out a muffled yell. This can't be happening. He slowly takes down my pants and I cry.
********Rape end********

I know what you're thinking, I lost my innocence? No I did not. Dakota saved me before it happened but he still touched me that night in many more ways. It was awful. Awful isn't even a good enough word for it. At least, it's over. At least, now I have Liam.

Sorry its short and awful and sorry for bringing this stuff up but I wanted more sneak peek into her life. The triggers are serious subjects and if you suffer from either I am very sorry and just know it gets better!
Anyway have a great day. Bye~

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