Chapters 10- Monica

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The mark ^^^^^
I turn my head into Liam's sleeping chest to try and ease the pain in my heart. I miss him. He was so special to me. I miss his laugh, his smile, the way he'd- Stop it Blaire! He's gone. Forget about him.
I close my eyes and think as I hug Liam. I eventually fall back to sleep and this dream, was not as pleasant.
I'm 8 years old again. I just left the feild I meet Dakota in everyday. I skip towards the pack house. I'm then pushed to the ground.

"Look, its the girl that hangs out with the rogue!" 8 year old Miranda yells.

"My momma says rogues are disgusting freaks." One of her friends add.

"He's not a freak he's my-"
I'm awoken by Liam shaking me awake gently.

"Hey, come on, wake up." He coes.

I flutter my eyes open and look at Liam's grinning face. I smile and sit up.

"How'd you sleep, sunshine?" He asks.

"Great." I lie. I can't tell him about Dakota. I can't tell anyone.

He smiles not noticing my lie. "How about we go out today?"

It's been 2 weeks since I got out of the hospital. I'm all healed and me and Liam are closer than ever.
I'm meeting the pack in a few days. I'm really nervous. I hope they like me.
I'm meeting Monica today. I'm really excited. She sounds like She'll be cool. Liam says we're a lot alike. I'm currently in the living room waiting with Liam for her and her mate Alfred.
I finally hear the front door open and in comes a petite brunette with brown eyes, she has on a plaid long sleeve shirt and boot cut jeans with work boots. She walks through the door and we see a blonde haired man with a cowlick and bright blue eyes. He's wearing the same outfit as she is.
I stand up and smile. She smiles and hugs me.

"I was so excited to meet you! Liam wouldn't tell me much, just that you and me are alike and that you were shy. But we're gonna be great friends!" She rambles.

"It's great to meet you too. I've been excited as well." I reply with a giggle pulling away from the hug.

We talk for the rest of the day. Turns out her and her mate live on a ranch on the outskirts of the territory.
Finally she has to go home and they leave. I go upstairs and lay down. Thats the most interaction I've had with more than 1 person in a long time. I curl up in a ball and close my eyes and let sleep over take me.
I'm 8 years old. I just ran away from Miranda crying. She punched my stomach and pulled my hair. I run to the woods Dakota comes from and run until I get to the border.
I know he's a rogue. I always did, but I've never thought of him in such a way. I keep running until I fall down. I just sob and call out his name.

"Blaire bear?" I hear Dakota's voice. "What are you doing out here?" He asks. "Come 'ere, I'll take you back." He picks me up.
He walks back to the border telling me everythings alright. I hug him and tell him I love him. He kisses my forehead and tells me he loves me to. I go back to our feild and sit. Thinking about the the two most important people in my life.
I'm standing on a platform in a big feild. I'm wearing a nice black T-shirt dress. I was just introduced to the pack and everyones now leaving. I walk off stage and towards the house. Liam will come home later tonight.
I suddenly feel like someone's watching me. I turn and look but see no one. I walk home quickly.
I wake up next to Liam. I get up and get dressed to go train. I leave and go to the pack gym and work out with the treadmill and punching bag.
I go home and find Liam sitting in the living room. I go upstairs and shower. Then I go downstairs in Liams T-shirt and leggings. I sit next to him and cuddle into his side. He puts his arm around me and says something I've been dying to hear.

"Uh, Blaire, is it ok if I...mark you?" He asks nervously.

I nod and look at him. "I love you Liam. Of course its ok."

He suddenly pins me down on the couch with gold eyes. His wolfs in control. He kisses me igniting familiar sparks.
His kiss is gentle but passionate. He works his way down my chin and to my neck. He makes it to the right crook of my neck and brushes his canines against it then sinks them in. I let out a small scream at the pain but it starts to feel amazing. I let out a loud and obnoxious moan. It feels so good! I feel him pull out and we're both breathing heavily.
I lean up and do the same to him. Kissing him and then sinking my canines in to the correct spot. He doesn't scream but grunts. I pull out and we're both breathing heavily.
I close my eyes attempting to even out my breathing.
He flips us so I'm laying on him and kisses my forehead.

"I love you too" He whispers and we both fall asleep.
I wake up and my neck is sore. I remember last night and run to the bathroom. I move my hair and smile at the mark. It's an arrow in an infinity symbol trying to find its direction with his initials under it. It's like me. Finding my way.
Ok, so I changed the name of the story because I feel like it fits this story better. I had a lot go on in this chapter too. So to recap.
We met Monica.
More about Dakota.
Now next chapter might take me a bit depending on how I go at it. Next chapter will be. Huge. It will help everything fall into peice.

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