Chapter 1

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Edward Lupo smiled as he inhaled the sweet smell of lavender that was suspended above his small garden. The night before had given him his first case as a newly transferred Detective, which filled him with ecstasy. He tightened his tie and adjusted his coal black top hat, the blood red ribbon shining in the March sunlight. His Irish-Italian police officer friend pulled up on the path, joining the young detective in his cycling. "Howaya, Ed?" he smiled, his ginger-brown hair stuck fast with brillatine. "Good, Dean, You? How's the wife and kids?"
"Good, good" The Detective and the Officer peddled through the town of  Foxmoore, talking and laughing  until they reached their work, Foxmoore Police Station. The two friends opened the oak door, the sunlight falling through the blinds like strands of a golden spiderweb, at the front desk stood a crippled old women with short hair, Mrs Morris. The duo smiled at her, but she only responded by pointing upstairs, to which they followed, hearing a conversation between an unknown voice and the forensic scientist, Henry Cartier. The two voices died as the man with the beard silver as the moon and small full moon spectacles exited the room behind the dark door, followed by a young woman with pale blonde hair, turquoise eyes and a white apron, around Edward's age. "Gentlemen, meet my granddaughter, Miss Luna Canis. She will be your new Forensic scientist. As both Mr Lupo and Miss Canis are new here, I wish that you, Officer Richardson, will work with them." The old man said in his smooth, stubborn voice,  to which Dean responded with a nod. "Anyway,
I presume you three received your case last night?" Another response in the form of three nods. "Well, get going then!" the man exclaimed.

"Oh, detective, thank goodness you're here!" Lady Francois smiled, her puffy, glassy eyes lightening at the sight of the long haired 25 year old. "My son, my baby boy, Jonathan, he was killed under the cover of the night!" the distressed lady told them, leading them to her now diseased son's room.
The trio entered, Dean taking a picture of the mangled corpse, stab marks embedded in the young man's chest. "What do you think, Miss Canis?" Lupo asked, eyeing the poor man. "Well, I don't know, Detective. I'll have to take him back to my laboratory in order to find out." Luna explained, handing both of the  men a pair of gloves. They pulled the gloves over their hands before further inspecting the room: a large four poster bed with dark green duvet draped over the bed, bloodstains brown with age. The Detective looked through the young man's possessions, trying to possibly locate anything related to the murder, when voila! What should be led in a handkerchief but a kitchen knife riddled with bloodstains. "Miss Canis, I believe that I may have just found something that might be of your interest." The young detective called to the slightly shorter blonde, who speed walked over, her dress swirling and spiralling as she walked over. "Detective, I believe we have our first clue!" the young woman beamed at her comrade, whose face practically mirrored her own.

Detective Edward Lupo: The escaped madman. जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें