Chapter 6

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"Miss Canis, why are we here?" Lupo asked as Luna dragged him and Dean through a street, stopping and knocking on the door of a rather large house, a sign painted with the words
Ursula Inorall
For all your ghost, demon and poltergeist problems.

"She's the best in the business" Luna smiled, knocking on the emerald green door, opened by a middle aged woman with long, Dark hair pulled back by a thick green headband. She had big, hazel eyes and tanned skin, and was wearing an odd multicoloured dress embroidered with cats, bats, full and crescent moons, ghosts and mirrors. She had big gold earrings and a matching pendant, ancient runes scrawled around it, a large sapphire at the centre. "Ah, Lunaria! How's my favourite godchild?" Ursula smiled, hugging Luna. "Brilliant, Ursula." Luna smiled, hugging the woman back. Ursula look at Luna, examining her heart shaped face, her big round hazel- green Eyes lined by thick black lashes, a few sun gold curls laying against her cheeks, her elven nose and soft ruby lips, before looking at Lupo's strong structured facre, Deep brown eyes framed by dark circles caused by the endless nights of work and research. " And this is your spouse, I presume?" Ursula smiled, her lips curling into a smile. "what? No! We merely work together" Luna had become flustered. " Detective?" Ursula asked, to which Lupo responded with a nod. Honest to goodness, I will never understand why you chose to become a forensic scientist. How do you stand autopsies?" Ursula muttered as she led Luna and Edward through corridors, up staircases, through doors into a small, Dark room draped with fabrics of every colour, in the centre sat a small table adorned with rich red velveteen material, gold at the rim. Upon the table, surrounded by two stools, sat a glistening crystal ball on  a gold stand, and a black cat with white socks and tail, along with a white streak running from its stomach to its chin, basking in an array of Web like strands of sunlight. "Argh, Penny. Go, off with you" Ursula shooed her cat off, slightly irritated,
Before sitting astride the Crystal ball. " now, what can I help ya with, loves?"
"Have you ever heard from the Phantom man?"  Luna asked, cautiously. Ursula's eyes widened slightly, before she nodded solemnly. "Lunaria Canis, that..That thing... Is a force not to mess with." She said, her hand resting on Luna's shoulder. "We...We think that he.....It is responsible for the death of Jonathan Francois Jr." Lupo piped up.
"Oh, I know, child. You've discovered the madman Charles Severn, and the young lord's sister."  The Spectrologist smiled. "But I'm afraid I am no use to you. I do sincerely apologise." 
"such dark magic is not to be tampered with, 'less you want to have a very bad time" she whispered

Detective Edward Lupo: The escaped madman. Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα