Chapter 3

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"Are you okay?" Luna asked as the two comrades continued off of the Rosethorn Manor Drive, upon which a small black car was gleaming proudly. "Yes, I suppose. Say, Luna, how would you feel about a wig?" Lupo asked.

"Are you sure about this?" Luna asked as Lupo's younger sister Edna Fixed the hazel wig to her head." Of course I'm sure. If Ms Severn dissappeared ten years ago, she'd be 27, correct?"
"Yes, but I'm 25"  Luna pointed out.
"So? You have a similar build to her, and that's all that'd matter."
"Brother, this isn't going to work." Edna sighed.
"and why not?" Lupo asked.
"If they were so close in childhood, wouldn't he be able to tell the difference between Luna and Lucia?"" Edna reasoned. Lupo sighed before taking Luna by the arm and pulling her into the streets, the only source of light being from their small oil lamp.

The nightly fog lingered low as Luna took the small lamp, walking through the cobbled Street. "Lucy?" A voice called out from the shadows.  "Luuuccccyyy" the voice called again . Luna spun around, face-to-face with a tall man with wild, untamed hair. His coat and tie were torn and burned, his pitch dark eyes haunted with the ghost of insanity. He hugged her tight, Luna's heart pounding in her throat. The madman broke the highest before staring straight into Luna's eyes."But you were dead.....wait...."
" are not my Lucy."
"Why did you kill her brother?" Luna's whisper was barely audible.
"because.......BECAUSE HE KILLED HER!" The lunatic shouted to the heavens. "HE KILLED HER! HIS OWN SISTER!" He screamed loud enough to make his throat bleed. "No, he didn't" a voice echoed through the shadows. "Lucy..." Charles whispered under his breath, his sombre eyes widening as the woman stepped from the shadows.
Lucia looked barely different, other than her lengthier hair and shell blue gown. "Lucy!" the madman yelled as he ran to the woman, embracing her in a hug. "Why did you kill my brother?" she asked looking to the ground. "I was forced to." he growled at the snow pale maiden. "By them"
"Who is them? Who could possibly make you kill your childhood friend?!" Lucia yelled, tears in her words. "Tell me, Charlie. TELL ME!"
"They threatened to kill you if I didn't" the ghosts of words escaped from his mouth. By now Edward and Edna were stood in full view by Luna, who had removed her wig and released her shoulder length blonde hair from its restraints. "Tell me who" Lucia half yelled, her stare able to cut through stone. "Carlton" Charles' lip quivered as he said it. The four listeners gasped. "Not him" Edna gasped silently. Lucia ran up and hugged him tight. "I'm sorry" she stuttered, weeping. The pair rocked slightly as Charles attempted to calm Lucia. "Is that enough evidence for you, Ed?" Luna asked, her hand on her hip to which Lupo replied with a nod, his reddish-brown curls bouncing slightly.

Detective Edward Lupo: The escaped madman. Where stories live. Discover now