Chapter 5

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The man moved like a fiendish Phantom as he lunged at Lupo, who dodged with lightning reflexes. The duo pulled out their weapons, Luna driving the stiletto blade through the man's back, millimetres from his spinal cord. He laughed like a rasping crow as he turned to face his attacker.
"You can't kill those who're already dead, my dear" his face contorted into a horrific unnatural grin. He stared into the young scientist's eyes with his, gray, broken, potentially blind eyes within which was housed the ghost of insanity. "Who are you?" the question was barely audible.
"Oh, I couldn't tell you my name, dear, but you can simply call me The Phantom man" he said before forcing a cloth over her nose and mouth, everything going black.

"Miss Canis? Miss Canis!" A voice made its way into her head, pulling her out of the depth of sleep. A white room surrounded her, herself laid on a wrought-iron bed beneath white sheets, her just over shoulder length pale hair hang around her face and head like the curtain engulfing another bed. Laid on the bed next to her, bandages wrapped tight around his shoulder and stomach, laid Detective Lupo, his hair wild like a bush of thorns. Looming over the pair were Madame Blanc, Dean and his wife, Edna, Henry Cartier, Lucia and Charles and two nurses: One conversing with madame Blanc, who'd noticed that the young scientist had regained consciousness.
"Oh, sank God you're awake!" Madame Blanc smiled.  "Fleur, what have I told you about yelling in ze 'ospital?" the frost blonde woman gently scolded her younger sister. "Sorry. Zis is my twin sister, Desirée." Fleur smiled. "Nurse Blanc, could you please refrain from conversing with your sister and focus on the task at hand?" the other nurse asked forcefully, checking Lupo's pulse.
"Luna, what were you doing, out of the safety of the lab?" Henry Questioned. "Sorry, grandfather." Luna half hung her head. Seconds later, the unconscious body of Lupo gasped for air, his eyes opened wide. "Lupo?!" I said loudly, the two nurses staring at him as he sat bolt upright. "Miss Canis?! Are you okay?" he asked, wincing as he moved his body to face the pale lady. "Yes, I'm fine, But you should be worrying about Yourself" she gestured to his wounds.
"You, Mr Lupo, potentially traumatised my granddaughter!" Henry shouted, to which the ebony haired nurse shouted "NO SHOUTING IN THE HOSPITAL" 
"Grandfather, I'm fine." Luna was becoming annoyed.
"Luna Margaret Adeline Canis, I will not stand by whilst you are potentially traumatised." The geriatric said, leaning on his cane.
"Still, it was horrific." Lupo said, grave as the churchyard at midnight. "What happened?" Dean asked, Nancy hugging his arm. "We'll tell you later" Lupo said, under his breath.

A week later, Lupo was released from the hospital, a mild four days after Luna, and the three comrades once again founds themselves in the interrogation room, Duchess laid beneath the table. "The Phantom man?" Dean asked,  to which the Detective and Scientist simultaneously nodded. "I've heard of him. Apparently, he runs an underground criminal syndicate; he deals with dead bodies, organ harvesting, blood harvesting, illegal substances." Dean paced, looking at the Cork board they set up, Fleur and Luna's Sketches of the Phantom man in low-light pinned up. "He has been on our radar for at least 50 years." Dean continued to pace. "At his youngest, he's 70. At his oldest, he's 95"
"A 95 year old could never move that fast." Lupo furrowed his brow.
"Exactly. I don't think he's a human. I think he's a restless spirit with unfinished business." Dean continued, stopping dead in his tracks, locking eyes with Lupo. "I think he's hundreds of years old, running an empire built on bloodshed and fear."

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