Chapter Nine: Alcohol Makes You Do Silly Things

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I should've let the night end after dinner. I was tired and knew I wouldn't have time to do any study tonight, which meant I needed to get enough to sleep to fit some in tomorrow before the gala. I didn't get a chance to get those words out though as we stepped out of the restaurant because Clarke was talking before I could even think of what to say.

"Let's go to a club," Clarke suggested.

I rolled my eyes a little. "How much wine did you drink with dinner?"

"Not enough," he smiled as he started to walk. "Not the point anyway. I wanted to show you Paris and what I do know in Paris, is clubs."

"Cause that's all you did last time you were here," I muttered as I followed him.

"Yes, actually, and it was fun," he informed me, "which is why we're going."

"Clarke-," I started to object.

"No," he said immediately, making sure I couldn't object. "You're coming with me and don't give me you don't go out, because if I remember correctly I argued with you in a club."

"I wasn't there by choice so much," I admitted.

I saw smile as he now walked in front of me. "Then I guess it's not different for you now."

I found myself following him realising I wasn't going to have too much choice. I mean for one, he wasn't letting me call the car, and if I did he could very easily cancel it, but I also realised that if I didn't go Clarke would go anyway and who knows what he would've done without me there. At the very least I could keep an eye on him.

He really did know what he was talking about when it came to the club. He picked on he had obviously been to before because the moment we walked in we were directed to the VIP area, it probably helped that he flashed some cash too and rattled off some french words that I didn't know. Ava's words came to ring in my head as I offered more alcohol. I was already buzzed from the wine from dinner and I knew a few more drinks would get me drunk.

I started to drink as Clarke drank two to my one. I watched him closely as he looked out to the crowd dancing before us. I suddenly remember who he was, and that he went to clubs and got drunk and slept with girls...a lot. Is that why we were here? It reminded me I needed to stay and keep an eye on him. So I continued to drink and started to dance a little when Clarke did too to try and enjoy myself at least.

"You know, most girls your age would be so excited that they're here," Clarke told me, talking directly into my ear so I could hear him over the music.

"Well I guess I'm not most girls," I shrugged slightly.

"Yeah, you're highly strung," Clarke laughed.

"Excuse me?" I said, looking directly at him.

"Don't get me wrong, I like your work ethic, I like how much effort you put into school and everything," Clarke told me, swaying a little from the alcohol, "but you're twenty-one, your young, you still you have your life. You don't have to be consumed by your job yet. Fucking enjoy it, Rory! Maybe you won't be so stressed out."

I wanted to argue, that was my first impulse, but before I did I found myself thinking about what he said. He wasn't the first person to tell me this. My ex-boyfriend said something similar when we broke up. Ava often stressed it to me, and Kieran but both them knew I liked to work and I liked school so they didn't force it, but that didn't mean they were wrong. So it didn't mean Clarke was wrong either.

"You want to see me have fun?" I asked Clarke, walking over to the table with our drinks on it and picking up one of the cups. "Watch me."

I sculled the drink immediately, all in one go and slightly regretted it, but knew it was what I wanted to do. I was in Paris, in a night club, and while the company wasn't exactly what I would normally have, it wasn't that bad. Clarke was smiling at me once I finished my drink and immediately poured me another drink from the bottle of vodka we had received in the VIP area.

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