Chapter Eighteen: Hypothetically, Let's Make a Deal

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I woke up to light pouring over my closed eyes. It was a gentle and soft though, one that felt warm but made me squint also. I groaned and rolled away from it, annoyed, but then remembered something. My bedroom was not on the side of the apartment block that got sun in the morning... I wasn't in my room.

I sat up quickly, my eyes flinging open. I looked around as I remembered I had slept in Clarke's bed last night, something I never expected to happen, but never-the-less here I was. I had never seen Clarke's room before, but I knew he always had one here. I guess Henry closed it off when Clarke wasn't around, which was a lot.

It looked like Clarke may have made some recent changes to the room though as the furniture felt very modern. I was in his king side bed, complete with what felt like a white leather bed head and one of the nicest mattresses I had ever slept on, and smooth dark coloured sheets. The bed was in the middle of the room and to my left was a large glass window which nearly expanded the whole wall, where the sun had come from and woken me up obviously. I realised though I could see a large part of the city from here...a view I knew I could look at for a while.

On both sides of the bed were bedside tables, and in front of the bed opposite me appeared to be a closest. It was built in though, clearly seen from the large sliding black wood doors, but one was slightly ajar to relieve some of Clarke's suits. Slightly to right of this though I saw a door, but it wasn't the door out as that was directly to my right. This door seemed to be a part of another small room that when I looked at it, it opened.

Out stepped Clarke clean and showered and wearing nothing but a towel and I realised it was his own bathroom. I forgot this place had five bathrooms.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," Clarke told me slowly ruffling his hair slightly.

"You didn't," I shook my head slightly, bring the sheet up closer to me to keep me covered. "The sun did."

"Ah, sorry, I should've shut the curtains," he said awkwardly, looking out. "I like to have them open in the morning. I never used to get up this early and see it. Work changes that."

"Oh, crap, it's Tuesday, you have work...and I have school," I said shaking my head quickly.

"I didn't even think about that, should I have woken you up?" Clarke asked slightly worried.

"No, no, I don't have class til ten-thirty," I told him calmly. "I'll have to get home first though..."

"Right, course. I can get a car for you," Clarke nodded immediately, "but we still need to finish talking."

I almost forgot we hadn't actually had our talk, rather just got distracted a lot. Clarke did open up to me last night, it felt like finishing this talk would be easier.

"Yeah, okay," I agreed.

"I'll let you shower first, and Rosa is already sorting out of breakfast for us," Clarke explained.

I frowned. "You told Rosa I was here."

"Well, not in so many words, but yes," he shrugged slightly. "She doesn't know why, don't worry."

I showered as Clarke changed in his room. His shower was nice...I mean the water pressure was consistent and I doubted he ever ran out of hot water, it truly made a good shower. I changed back into yesterday's clothes as I had nothing else and slowly made my way to the dining room where Clarke was already waiting.

I sat down next to him and while I felt those same nerves kick in yesterday when we went to talk, after last night I had a much clearer head. I always felt good after we spent time together, but there was something reluctant in me that was still trying to tell me it was wrong. Whether or not something casual was what I needed, it didn't change that Clarke was...Clarke.

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