Chapter Thirty-Nine: One Last Surprise

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"Okay, where are we going? You know how I feel about surprises."

It had been a few more weeks since the fallout of finding out about Malcom, and as Clarke predicted, Malcom took a deal. He'd be in prison until he was old, pretty old too. It wasn't perfect considering the situation, but it was a resolution and justice. It wasn't something I wanted to bring up with Clarke too much though because a part of him had accepted it and moved on. For him, he felt like it was over, finally, and he needed that, to move on with his life.

The worst part though was after those couple of weeks were over and the dust had started to settle, time had caught up with us and I had to leave New York. I was excited for law school, extremely excited, but now there was something hindering on me I didn't have before. Leaving my friends and boyfriend was something I knew had to happen but part of me dreaded it right now.

Clarke and I had found an apartment eventually. It took a fair amount of time, and some more arguments from me before we agreed on a place. It was nice, small, quaint and whilst I wouldn't being paying rent Clarke had agreed I would pay the bills. I felt a little better about it that way. Clarke would come visit on weekends when he could, I knew every weekend wouldn't be possible, but knowing Clarke he would come as often as he could.

"I know you hate surprises, but I promise this one is good," Clarke smiled smugly as we sat in the back of his car. "I wouldn't do this for you otherwise."

I had woken up this morning with instructions for us later tonight. Clarke had this beautiful lace navy dress delivered to my apartment, my nearly packed up apartment by the way, so it wasn't like I had many clothes left at the moment anyway. He picked me up in his car later that afternoon and so far we had just been driving and I wasn't sure what was going on. I wasn't sure if Ava was in on it, but she was very instant for me following the instructions.

"Well, I'm not entirely stupid, I leave tomorrow so I know you're doing something," I pointed out with a sigh.

"Yes," Clarke nodded. "That's why this is entirely necessary. Just trust me, okay? I mean, you do trust me?"

"Of course I do," I said with a small eye roll. "I just...this makes me nervous."

"Don't be, okay? I promise you'll love it."

When the car finally stopped we stopped outside a tall building that I didn't recognise. Clarke walked around to open the car door and let me out and then held my hand as we walked into the building. I was pretty sure it was a hotel from the lobby but I couldn't be sure as Clarke was pulling me through before I could really look at anything. We were in the elevator before I knew it and I saw the button Clarke pressed and I frowned.

"The roof?" I asked, Clarke. "What's on the roof?"

"You are so impatient, aren't you?" Clarke rolled his eyes slightly. "You'll see."

I realised Clarke wasn't going to tell me, he really wanted this surprise for me. It was kind of cute I guess. The fact that he had planned something for me tonight was quite nice the more I thought about it. I decided I would try and loosen up a little and enjoy whatever it was. The man I loved definitely wouldn't set up something I hated.

When the elevator doors opened we entered into a small glass room, which seemed to be only a tiny section, almost a mini lobby to the other section of the roof, which is where Clarke ended up leading me to, and this section of the roof was beautiful. There were fairy lights across the whole section, lighting the whole roof. Towards the edge of the roof was a table, set up nicely and clearly for dinner, but the best part and my favourite part was the view.

The building was tall enough that we could see most of the city from here. I loved being able to see all the city, especially at night. I loved the way it looked, the glow it gave off, and I knew Clarke knew this.

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