Chapter Ten: Forgiving and Spending His Money

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I eventually realised I had no choice but to forget about Clarke and try and get some work done. So after stuffing my face with food I felt my hang over get better and it meant I could finally start to study. I found myself getting in the zone and was honestly completely focused until I heard a sound.

My head snapped up to see to Clarke stumble into the room, almost knocking a small book case over in the process. He was dressed in a thin tight top that clung to his pecks and some sweat pants. I honestly wasn't sure he had made it back to the hotel last night, and I actually didn't care if he had or not.

"Oh, thank God, food."

Clarke immediately made a b-line for the table, sitting himself down and eating whatever he laid his eyes on. Eventually he looked up at me and he must've noticed the look of disgust I must've been giving him.

"What?" Clarke frowned.

I rolled my eyes a little. "Nothing. I just thought this trip was about business and helping your reputation and all."

Clarke didn't respond to me and just looked at me, completely confused about what I was going on about. With a sigh I unlocked my phone to show him the article I read his morning. Clarke rolled his eyes when he saw it.
"Oh, give me a break. I was drunk, I was just having some fun. I was just dancing with these girls, nothing else," Clarke shrugged.

"You're kissing someone in this last one!" I pointed out, scrolling to show him.

He immediately frowned and moved the phone closer to look at the photo. "I...I don't remember kissing...anyone. I swear, I didn't..."

Clarke's face turned to a complete frown and he looked completely confused. I scoffed and lent back in my chair.

"Well, obviously after I left you got too drunk to remember what you even did," I pointed out.

He put my phone back down in front of me and shook his head. "The photos are blurry and they don't have any statements saying what I go up to, or even an identity of that girl. It's nothing, trust me."

"The article already talked you cheating on Alicia," I reminded him of his fake girlfriend. "You want to put this persona up that you're a changed guy and that definitely isn't true. You made me get drunk last night too. God... you just...better make sure you're on your best behaviour tonight if you want to make any sort of deal."

I was like his mother lecturing him and I heard it those words came out of my mouth but I was too annoyed to care. It obviously hit a nerve with Clarke though because he immediately stood up and started to walk to back down the hall but suddenly turned around to face me.

"Do you have a dress for tonight?" he asked me.

I frowned at the sudden change of topic. "Sure...I mean, kind of."

"Kind of?" he confirmed.

"Well, yeah. It's nothing fancy," I shrugged.

"Is it fancy like, you're going to an expensive business gala night?" Clarke asked with a defeated sigh.

I opened my mouth to answer and then realised my answer wasn't great. The dress I had was simple, and cheap and I would definitely stand out for the wrong reasons.


"No," I said eventually. "It's not really, but it's all I have."

"Right then, we need to get you another dress," Clarke said with a nod.

"And how exactly are we going to do that?" I asked him. "I don't know where to go in Paris, or even what type of dress I need."

"Well, lucky for you there are people we can pay for that," Clarke told me. "Get dressed and I'll make some calls and then get the driver to take you to the store, okay?"

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