Chapter Twenty-Four: Surprise!...Well Kinda

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"So, I managed to shorten Ava's invite list, but not by much. I also managed to get her to tell everyone no presents like you wanted, and she got rid of the fancy food, so it's a little more casual," Kieran explained.

Kieran had been my 'distractor' for the day, taking me out for late lunch and then shopping so Ava could set up, promising me it was just a dinner even though she needed me out of the house. Ava still had no clue I knew and as we walked the stairs to get back to my apartment.

"It's definitely better than nothing, Kieran, thanks," I told him with a small sigh.

"You know she does these things because she loves you, right?" Kieran asked me calmly.

"I know," I rolled my eyes slightly. "Doesn't make me like surprise parties any more than just makes me appreciate Ava a little more."

"Eh, close enough," Kieran shrugged. "Hey, she told me Clarke was coming? Is that true?"

"Yeah, actually," I brushed it off best I could, trying not to make a big deal of it. "Ava invited him when we were out for dinner the other night, and I figured why not. We're getting along at work, we're becoming work friends."

"Sex buddies and work friends. Wow, Rory, you've got it all."

My actual birthday had gone off without a hitch. I woke up to breakfast cooked by Ava (well her best attempt at a nice breakfast) and then I attended my classes. My day ended with dinner out with Ava and Kieran. It was simple and nice, just what I wanted. When I went into work the next morning I found a big box of flowers. I immediately knew who it was from, but saw Clarke went to the effort to get Karen to sign the card to make it look more like an office gift. He took that moment to check it was still okay to come, and as I insisted it was, he promised me he would be here. Kieran's sentence though suddenly had me slightly worried it would be an awkward moment to handle.

"Shall we get this over with, then?" Kieran asked me, as we now stood at the front door to my apartment.

I sighed but then nodded at him. "Let's go."

The moment I opened the door and stepped inside I was hit by the lights turning on and then at least twenty people jumping out and yelling "surprise!". Working on my actual surprise face had been the topic of Kieran and I's lunch today, so when my moment came, I acted the heck out of it. I even got a little nod from Kieran to tell me the surprise was believable. I hugged Ava and thanked her and said hello to a few people before I made a b-line for the alcohol. I was going to need it.

Maybe an hour later and possibly five drinks in, things started to feel okay. I had said hello to a few people, most people were from college that I actually liked. Kieran really had fixed the guest list, although there was a few people I didn't know. I was so busy talking to people as they said happy birthday and what-not, that it took me the full hour to realise Clarke wasn't here. Parker was here, as both he and Ava were all over each other. I was tempted to ask if he knew where Clarke was, but realised quickly I shouldn't care.

"So...exactly who is that you were talking to?" I asked Kieran as he finally broke away from the one guy he had been talking to all night so far.

"No one," he shrugged slyly.

I rolled my eyes, nudging him.

"Okay, fine. He's a guy from college who is kind of cute. I used your party as an excuse to invite him somewhere. Hope you don't mind," Kieran caved.

"Eh, that's fine," I shrugged. "So, tell me more? What's he like? Is he just another fling?"

"Not sure yet," Kieran admitted. "He's very nice, but very sexy. Not sure how much of him I want to see yet. That's why I invited him, to get to know him."

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