Chapter Twenty- Two: Awkward Food

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This was awkward. There was no other way to describe it. I mean, I had felt awkward before, and been in my fair share of awkward situations before, but so far this was taking the cake. I mean, it was weird enough being out in public with Clarke, but being in public at restaurant with Ava and Parker... it was bizarre.

I mean, everyone on this table knew what Clarke and I were up to, well I could only presume Clarke or Ava had told Parker, but I got the impression from him that he knew. They also knew we didn't talk about outside of Clarke's bedroom. Right now Clarke was my boss, not my fuck buddy, but Ava wanted this dinner. She wanted me to get to know Parker more as her best friend. She wanted my approval, and I think she thought having Clarke here would make it easier, but it was the opposite.

"What exactly do you do at college again?" Parker asked. We'd been nearly in silence for a couple of minutes now and we had only been at this restaurant for ten minutes. "I'm sure Ava told me, I just can't remember."

"I major in political science and minor in communications," I answered with a small shrug. "There isn't any real law subjects at school so I do those instead as it still similar. Any law stuff I've done to get me into law school I've done independently."

"I didn't know that," Clarke muttered. He was sitting right beside me. A placement decided by Ava as she obviously wanted to sit next to Parker, but it meant I could easily not stare at Clarke.

"Yeah," I shrugged. "You can't really learn law outside of law school for a college student. These are good anyway, they help with public speaking and stuff."

"Right, I guess that makes sense," Clarke nodded learning back in his chair.

I sighed heavily and turned to Ava and gave her a look. The small talk wasn't working, she needed to do something, and I think she got the hint. 

"Right, whilst I'm sure Rory's school life is very fascinating. Parker's is too," Ava assured me, nudging Parker a bit. "Tell her what you do...well more accurately what you're starting to do."

"Oh, right," he nodded straightening up. "Well, I'm starting a business."

"You are?" Clarke asked surprised, leaning forward. "I thought you were going to work with your old man?"

Some friend Clarke was at the moment.

"I thought about it, but I can't stay I enjoy working as a stock broker," Parker explained. "So, I'm using my trust-fund money to start a clothing business instead."

I wanted to roll my eyes at the words trust-fund but managed to hold it together as I knew it would be rude. I could see however Ava was proud of him though. It was obviously a step Parker wanted to take and I had a feeling Ava pushed him into it.

"That's great news, man, congrats," Clarke smiled as he held out his hand they did a little man handshake, high five thing.

"It gets better though," Ava said proudly. "I'm going to help him design some of the clothes."

"Wait, seriously?" I asked her surprised.

"Yes seriously. I should put my community college knowledge to work...even if I didn't finish it," she told me calmly.

Whilst Ava didn't hate working a nine to five job, her passion was fashion. She went to community college briefly a while back now but it didn't work for her. She learnt a few things about creating clothes and what-not though, anything else she taught herself. She was quite good at it when she wanted to be. In the last year she hadn't made a single garment. She put it down to working full-time at the hotel, and her life being too stressful. I knew it was because she felt defeated that she wasn't getting anywhere with it. Maybe Parker was that kick up the bum she needed because God knows Ava has never listened to me.

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